white, green, red....BLACK

what? :lol

Good for you… :thumb

Junior year college I was a CDTA regular and giving people haircuts in trade for rides to the Greyhound station so I could go back towards NYC and visit my folks…

Good times, except when I got the big person next to me (which was a 93% probability)

I needz like 10g’z on top of what I could sell my car for to afford it.
Or I might wait till grad school and take out a loan so I can has deux voitures:ahh

That’s where I’m at right now and it sucks.

Except my folks are right down the street. :rofl

Haha I feel you… BTW I notice you’re not signed up for karting… You had some quick times last time for a bigger guy- schedule no good for ya? Or the bus fare just kickin’ your a$$? :lol

My life schedule blows donkey dong right about now. If you guys do something second semester I’m down.

Cool, I think there’ll be demand for a Spring event after this one goes down… So be ready.

i havent driven a real car in 25 days :frowning: :lol

so u havent driven urs in what? 24 days :lol

true :rofl


Those quotes need no explanation other than the fact that they were posted last night on evom :lmao

Also, a video of the pull that generated the dyno in the OP, this is Rob @ FP’s car, 2.3L stroker, 8500RPM, etc etc. People are 90% sure this is a black.

Also from last night:

^Guy called FP.

Can’t wait to see what this sucker can do :excited

mmm Evo 7. i used to see a yellow 7 GSR everyday on base in Japan. had brembo pinks, and brake dust all over it all the time.

ZOMG i am very exciiiiiite


thanks for the comment

FP BLACK HTA82 is tested by DB himself. the goal was so it perfoms 90% of what an HTA82 will do.

offishull fread


solid=FP red
dotted= FP black

black=20psi @3800rpm


I may or may not be on the call list for one…:slight_smile:

^good man haha

i wwwwaaaanttttttt thiissssssssssss
