Whitey's 1993 Nissan 240sx

haha… I am selling it because of Jeff but not for that reason. That damn jewish devil put an idea into my head.

I wish i could afford it

Whitey - just checking out your auction. If you are selling a 10K car, you should have posted some more detailed pics. I have sold 10+ cars on ebay and the pics would always add a lot, especially when there is nothing to hide!

Good luck.

good tip I will take some interior shots tonight

240 With an LSX?

Good luck on the sale. The color should sell it

yup the more pics the better for the sale

Good idea to hide the jump box, too. People want to know they are buying a quality machine. Not something that needs a boost everytime you start it :smiley:

she was a rockin and a rollin!! nice!

…aw you cant stage by yourself in the big race car? :angel:

Sell it to Cheeks, that seemed to always work for me :slight_smile:


The car didn’t break so Denis needed some job to do!




but then doesn’t whitey have to buy it back off of him a year later?

Yes, but at a serious discount. Dickface.

lol … dickface…