Who are you likely voting for?

This is precisely why partisan politics is dumb and our system needs to change.

Kris just argued in favour of a policy that the Reform Party!!! had but also likes the Liberals and even likes Jack Layton. For me, my party no longer exists. I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative so I also have to find a way to vote for the best alternative. I prefer the Liberal social policy but they are just so not interested in actually doing what is best for Canada. Can you imagine how much ass Canada would kick and how well our less fortunate people would be if our governemnt didn’t piss money away all the time? They are only interested in what will keep them in power.

As for the Conservatives, I don’t think they realize that Canadians are, in general, pro choice and couldn’t care less about gay marriage. So what the hell do I do now? I sure as hell can’t vote for Jack Layton since his policies are more utopian that fiscally realistic.

I guess I am going Green except their challenge is weeding out all the left wing nuts just like the Conservatives have (for the most part but still a work in process) are trying to weed out the right wing nuts.

who wouldnt vote conservative, 2% cut in GST

Because it is short sighted and only done to win votes from people that don’t look deep enough which is most everyone. Check the platform…how long will it take to get that 2%? It sure as hell isn’t right away. Harper criticises Marting for rolling out election promises that only get delivered 5 years from now. Find out when you will see that 2% before you cast your vote so quickly on just this one issue.

IMO, it should actually be raised to 7-10% % and income tax cut by about 25% across the board to compensate.

Consumption taxes make it impossible for the super rich to hide their money in tax loopholes and it also substantially reduces if not eliminates the underground economy. The more people spend the more they pay. The less they spend the less they pay. Fairness for everyone. Instead of the more money you make the more loopholes you can take advantage of to hide your money or the more money you make under the table the less tax you pay.


I wish the bloc was a bigger party and not so set on seperation. I find them a little more left of the conservative and their leader is not such a douche.

However the conservatives will do really well but too many people have no faith in Mr. Harper.

I think it best that I stop posting in this thread before I piss all of you off with my “I’m always right when I am actually not” attitude :nono and get kicked out of the club.

How 'bout, no matter how you vote just vote.

I think lowering taxes is stupid.
It’s not gonna change your life or put more than a few dollars back into your pocket. However, there will be less money available for health care, schools, poor people, ect…
Their main reason for lowering taxes (as I understand it) is because we have a really large surplus of money right now. Well, the answer isn’t reduce the income, it’s spend it on CANADA!! Improve our country! We have so many problems and isues that need solving but all we ever hear is “we don’t have enough money” but we do…they just choose not to use it. And now they say that instead of using it, they will just lower taxes!!! Spend the damn money on our country and it’s people, make it better than ever, saving a couple hundred buck a year isn’t gonna change my life. Better schools and hospitals and doctors and roads and less crime and poverty will change my life.

LOL that is what debating is. Just alot of people have too big of an ego to listen to another person’s opinion.

Just in a jokingly kind of matter, the Bloc never deviated from their main objective since they were formed, at least they’re consist and don’t flip flop. :E

Dave, I agree with a lot that you said, other than the part about the weak knees when we said no to the Iraq war. I think it was gutsy to stand up against the Americans considerig our relationship.

So many other posts to address since my last visit.

First, we REALLY need proportional representation. It’s too bad only the NDP seem to want to do it. The Conservatives and Liberals would both likely lose seats if it were to be implemented though, and the NDP could really gain. Their stances are all logical.

As far as parties being “flip floppers” or “leaves blowing in the wind” this is a weak argument IMO. I do think parties should be firm in their beliefs, but if they change their minds to better suit the public they shouldn’t be criticized. I would really respect Harper if he said “Alright, Canadians don’t care about gay marriage. I’m going to forget about it as the majority doesn’t believe it’s an issue.”

Now the Liberals would come out screaming saying he is weak and a flip flopper, but IMO that would just make a good politician. They are elected to serve the people and the public interest holds greater value than party policy. Unfortunately many fail to see that.

I also think lowering GST is a bad idea. I’ve since I have been the age of buying more than candy and hockey cards I have paid GST. I’m used to it. It’s just something that is expected. From what I have gauged, many older people would like to see the GST cut. They remember a time when you could go into a store and pay the price on the tag. The only place I have seen that is in Mexico. :partyman:

Dummest thing i read today. Banning handguns sounds more like hitler.

“Hi, were the liberals, we spend tax payers money like it grows on trees.” Wasnt it the Liberals who had this great idea of the gun registry system…Billions of tax payers dollars later and they tell us they will just start to make guns illegal. Good thing i never registered mine or now, they would come after me seeing i have some handguns…hahahaha.

If you dont like the US, then vote NDP or the communist party. I mean we really dont need our biggest trading partner…who needs an exporting market.

Who actually has been around long enough to see another party besides the Liberals run shit? Its time for a change.

I love to hear people bitch and complain about how this guy ripped you off or that guy fucked you over and then go back and vote for the liberals!!! HAHAHA retards.


Im a farm boy from southern alberta…i will most definately be voting conservative. The liberals good give two shits about the west, period.

Just a note to all the people that are deciding NOT to vote (at the time I write this there are 4) you can NEVER complain about how this country is run, the governments decisions are stupid, taxes are to high or to low ect… IF YOU DON"T VOTE!!!

Why don’t young people vote?

WOW! That’s a very large assumption!
Some young people don’t vote, but some old farmers don’t vote either!

WOW! That’s a very large assumption!
Some young people don’t vote, but some old farmers don’t vote either![/quote]

Oh god. I didn’t mean that ALL young people don’t vote. Come on! We all know that voter turn out for 18-30 year olds is at an all time low. Let’s not split hairs. Excuse my ommission of the word “some”. It was implied.


i know for sure i am voting. However alot of young people are to busy or don’t care who runs the county but are very willing to complain about our government.

That theory that people who don’t vote can’t complain doesn’t work, although in my experience, those that don’t vote tend to bitch about the government the most.

And yeah, voter turnout in our age group is embarrassing - I guess Canadian Idol is more important. :roll:

So damb true… God I hate that show. I’d rather vote every 3 months than watch that show.

WOW! That’s a very large assumption!
Some young people don’t vote, but some old farmers don’t vote either![/quote]

Oh god. I didn’t mean that ALL young people don’t vote. Come on! We all know that voter turn out for 18-30 year olds is at an all time low. Let’s not split hairs. Excuse my ommission of the word “some”. It was implied.[/quote]

HAHA!! I know, I was just kidding around!
It’s true that by the book us young folk don’t vote for some reason. Last election I volunteered 12hours of my time at a voting station and did paper work and helped people figure out what district they were in. It payed but very little. I learned some from it and it was over all a good experience. You got to learn about what’s going on and how it works if you truly care, in my opinion!

I think if there was proportional representation was implemented we would see a much greater voter turnout. For example, a die hard NDP supporter in Alberta may not vote in a riding where a high-profile Tory is running and expected to win. He knows his vote is going nowhere. But if people knew that every single vote counts towards how many seats are awarded to the parties, I think a lot more people would be at the polls.