Who are you likely voting for?

What about the $1.75 that give the party next election. I think that would be enough to make a difference. :roll:

I don’t think that is enough for many people to get off their ass and vote. A PR system would be more effective, IMO. I’m not sure how many people even know about the $1.75.

So true! I wish it would happen. It likely won’t.

Well, you know Ontario and Quebec wouldn’t favor that idea. People aren’t likely to give up their power without a fight.

On the plus side, even Jack Layton wouldn’t be as dangerous as PM as Dubyah is a president. :E

Yeah, cause Dubya can wreck other other countries, and Mad Jack Layton can only ruin Canada :frowning:

Well, actually, since Layton would never win a majority government, we’d go back to years of the government doing NOTHING MEANINGFUL WHATSOEVER. YAY! :E

Fuckin’ politics…grr…


Yeah, cause Dubya can wreck other other countries, and Mad Jack Layton can only ruin Canada :([/quote]

He wouldn’t ruin the entire country. Just the economy. :smiley:

I can not believe any one would even consider voting liberal! It’s beyond me why they aren’t in jail and yet people still want to vote them in again? Have you not realized how much money they stole? It’s insane! Not to mention illeagal! I just renewed my Conservative membership and I have a large Conservative sign on my lawn. Basically when I’m not working I’m volunteering at Stephen Harper’s campaign office. liberal’s make me puke :vom:

I couldn’t agree with you more! The NEP, wheat board, and the gun registry are just some examples that they haven’t done any favors for us out west. And as far as martin “standing up” to the United States, he’s doing a pretty good job of damaging Canada-U.S. relations lately. With out the U.S. on our side we’re screwed. When terrorists start knocking down our buildings who would we expect to help us? The US! So when martin said no to the missle defence system I got really scared when George W. Bush said that Canada would be on it’s own. My brother-in-law served in the Canadian military and some of the stories he told me about how ill-prepared our military is, is just down right scary! I’m greatful that the US has decided that the fight for freedom is worth fighting I wish Canada would show some support. Any way to get back to the election if you vote liberal your just condoning the coruption that is going to ruin this country. I’m amazed we’ve survived this long with them in power. To me it’s just mind boggling that any one could even consider voting liberal.

Ok, let’s handle this one at a time…

I just renewed my Conservative membership and I have a large Conservative sign on my lawn. Basically when I’m not working I’m volunteering at Stephen Harper’s campaign office. liberal’s make me puke :Vomit

So you aren’t just the slightest bit biased, perhaps? :E

I can not believe any one would even consider voting liberal! It’s beyond me why they aren’t in jail and yet people still want to vote them in again? Have you not realized how much money they stole? It’s insane! Not to mention illeagal!

Well, the majority of the liberals involved in this scam are either no longer liberals or are facing criminal investigation at the moment. In case you forgot, Justice Gomery vindicated a number of liberals and said they had nothing to do with it. Also, the Liberal party was made to pay a million dollars of the stolen money back, and that’s the first time I’ve ever heard a party being made to do that, despite decades of buddy-buddy politics. Chretien is the guilty one, and I cannot believe that they let his ass go. Not every single Liberal is a criminal or had anything to do with this criminal action - remember, IT’S THE QUEBEC LIBERAL PARTY that was ultimately found to be guilty, not all Libs everywhere.

As for the part about the west, well, they don’t have to give a shit about the west. Plain and simple - the Liberals get elected in Ontario and Quebec. The PC party caters to western views because they are picking up the scraps that the Liberals aren’t concentrating on. Unfortunately, our system of rep by pop means that there are too many seats in the east that make our votes in the west diluted, but that doesn’t meant that they don’t entiredly give a shit about the west - it just means that they focus on the geographical areas where they’re likely to win. Which is smart, if you ask me.

I’m not going into the terrorism debate, largely because it has nothing to do with our elections. But there’s two problems with your logic. One, if you think that the US would stand around and let us get invaded, you’re out of your fucking mind. Firstly, we are allies to them and they DO need us, and secondly any enemy invading us is a direct threat to them. As far as the terrorism goes, Canada is an unlikely target. What purpose would attacking Canada serve? They’re more likely to attack our oil reserves/production facilities than they are to fly planes into our buildings.

A vote for the Liberals does not say corruption is OK. A vote for the Liberals says “my personal opinion is that the PC, NDP, and Green party platforms do not agree with my worldview.” I mean, the Liberals aren’t out of the woods yet - Justice Gomery’s final report is yet to come, you might remember.

And lastly, corruption is not Liberal-centric. There are a lot of roads in Alberta that were paved to provide votes to Don Getty’s PC government and not much else. Corruption is not party-centric, it is person-centric…do I condone it? NO. But do I see the PC as a valid alternative? Not really.

You’re falling victim to the fear-mongering. They’ve got you right where they want you. The only way we would become a target for terrorism is by doing things like the Americans, which is what Harper would do. Their foreign policy sparks terrorist activity.

Whose freedom are they fighting for? Americans are free. Their government is the only one’s taking away their freedom. The Patriot Act is a huge infringement on people’s rights. As far as the “war on terror” it’s totally flawed. How can you have a war against a word. Terror isn’t a country, an object, just a word. Nobody has really gained anything from this war, except for the weapons manufacturers.

Not that I want to pander to the fear mongering, but I do want to make note of something. Osama mentioned Canada as a target for bombings in line right after Britain, so take that as you will.

My opinion is that the extreemists hate us beacuse we’re not Muslim, not because we’re in Iraq. They captured 2 Canadians just a few weeks ago! They knew they were Canadians. Sure did those two guys alot of good.

I want to turn the middle east into a huge parking lot but that’s just me.

You’re falling victim to the fear-mongering. They’ve got you right where they want you. The only way we would become a target for terrorism is by doing things like the Americans, which is what Harper would do. Their foreign policy sparks terrorist activity.

Whose freedom are they fighting for? Americans are free. Their government is the only one’s taking away their freedom. The Patriot Act is a huge infringement on people’s rights. As far as the “war on terror” it’s totally flawed. How can you have a war against a word. Terror isn’t a country, an object, just a word. Nobody has really gained anything from this war, except for the weapons manufacturers.[/quote]
Couldnt have put it better myself. :drinkers:

Flavio and I agree on something? This is a historic event! :E :drinkers:

And your okay with this? I’m sure as heck not! They haven’t done any thing for me so why would I vote for them? I’m not going to vote for a party that calls us “different”. I’m going to vote for a party that at least shows us some respect and doesn’t try and screw us over every chance they get.

I’m going to agree with you on that one. I mentioned it because some one earlier had brought up Bush and anti-Americanism. However I’m just going to make one more comment about it…

Your right about that. I believe governments need to be changed every so often to prevent that kind of thing from happenening

They’re fighting for the freedom of free societies through out the world. If we let terorrists do what they want pretty soon we won’t be free. It’s kind of similar to Germany and the second world war. If countries didn’t unite and stand up to them there’s a possability that we would be speaking German today.

I guess “a word” has the ability to fly planes in to buildings, take hostages, and strap bombs to themselves walk into public places and blow themselves up? And I think getting rid of the Taliban in Afganistan and taking Hussain out of power in Iraq actually did help people. Being able to elect a democratic goverment rather than have a dictatorship thrown on you is probably better for the average person.

Any way I’m not going to comment any more on terrorism mostly because it doesn’t have a whole lot to do with this election right now and I don’t want to get too far off topic

The thing about all of that is: Iraq≠Terrorism.

Anyway… who watched the debates tonight? I taped half of them so hopefully I’ll have chance to watch them on Sunday.

Of course the political parties think the west is different! Do you hear any other province (excluding Quebec) where the people in the province are thinking of seperating from Canada? People are seriously suggesting it now, in the same retarded “we don’t care about the consequences” way that Quebecers do it.

I think there is a different mentality in the west, no doubt, but really I’ll put it up to my other arguement. The parties are focusing on Ontario and Quebec because they really get elected there. Do I like that? Not really! But without a change in our election procedure, what are you going to do about it?

I missed the debates yesterday - I hope the Journal printed a decent rundown of it today.

There is a fair amount of people talking about separation outside of Quebec (mostly in Alberta). I think Quebec had the right approach to it though. If they said we want to separate but we’re not going to actually going to go through with it, no one would’ve paid too much attention to them. Now that they’ve shown that they’re serious they’ve gotten a lot of people to notice them. Even though they haven’t separated yet I would say they’ve gained a lot so far. Any way, Alberta needs to stand up to Ottawa more, a lot more. There are other ways rather than seperation, too

What I think is ridiculous about the whole thing is that Quebec is essentially trying to hold the rest of Canada hostage. “Give us more stuff, or we’ll seperate.”

It’s fucking ridiculous - anyone that seriously thinks about seperation must have the mentality of a child. I’m telling you right now that the way to make Ottawa pay attention to us is not to hold the rest of the country hostage - you can do it, but you’ll just make the rest of the country hate you.

The only way to increase our say in Ottawa is to increase the population of Alberta and thus generate more seats in our province. The population is going up, so thus our influence on Ottawa should follow.

Furthermore, if you had Ottawa’s ear RIGHT NOW, what would you say or want? I mean, I can’t think of one thing that we AREN’T getting from Ottawa now that we really don’t need. If you can, please let me know, perhaps I’m just missing something. I’m not talking about relatively minor things like election reform, senate reform, etc, I mean something that affects your daily life.

The problem with Canadian politics is that each party is just a different degree of the same stupid shit. So far the government has only succeeded in making bonehead decisions and pissing away a lot of money. There’s no question that any party that gets elected will do something stupid and piss me off.

I just wanna shake things up a bit. I’ll take a zealot over corruption for now. I say let’s see what things are like on the other side of the fence. Things can’t get much worse than they already are.

B-Wurm :smiley: