Who else is getting tired of NYS?

Ocean rules. You cant surf in a pool or on a lake.

Surfing is retarded :slight_smile:

Jesse you can’t surf anyway, who are you trying to fool?

YOU’RE retarded!!!



Can too!

I wanna see you surf Jclark

Shut up, the only thing I’ve ever seen you have any sort of skill in is racing. And even that’s nothing I would go bragging about.

Maybe you people haven’t seen my collection of Hurley shirts circa 1999. :shifty

No seriously, the ocean rules.

And we’re not talking the gray, cold, miserable New England coast that Nicole has a boner for, I mean the real ocean:


Ocean > lakes > pools > Bennai

Don’t get all cranky now and take it out on me just because you suck at what consumes 90% of your life.

If I could make it to the Pacific and back in a day I would, but I can’t. So get over it.

Water sucks, that is all.

I’m very happy with NY overall, you get what you pay for :ponder

That’s actually in Mozambique, but it was just the best pic Google gave me.

And bring it! Consumes 110%, btw.

The Ocean kicks ass, I love surfing and going boogie boarding when I am not in the condition to surf.

One downfall is the ball chafing you get. Good god that hurts.

It was an example douche bag. As in, what other choice of ocean do I have?

Go farther?

Your dream vacation was Montauk. Just sayin.

The ocean is cold in california

Boogie boarding rocks, surfing is retarded.

Because it was somewhere I wanted to visit doesn’t make it the only place I wanted to visit. I unlike some people do not have the liberty of using three times the allowed amount of vacation time for my company, I have to get away where/when I have time.

Rhode Island… out in the water for probably about 5 hours, no sunscreen and my bathing suit that didnt work with my junk. Some of the worst pain i think ive ever felt.

I would love to live in cali for a little while. Different coast and different scenery

Ok but that only works as long as what you are paying for outweighs the cost. Nowadays the cost is outweighing the benefits, not to mention dumber laws that get passed every single day.