Who ever banned me.......

You have no fucking clue. She called me yesterday because she got beat up by “her man”. I told her to call the cops. She was like I can’t because I’ll go to jail to. I asked her what for and she said all the speculation I had been hearing was true. :rolleyes: Fucking retarded.

This year I’m getting the best fucking christmas present ever, 3 more days and its final. Its about fucking time.

Im sure chad is pm’ing you already :kekegay:

you got to be joking mike? same shit i heard to? if so what an unexpected turn

wow,sorry mike,its hard thing to go through!

Yeah it’s no Joke, I heard this initally from Jason and Wratchit.

Its a damn shame but not my problem anymore.

Don’t make me kick your ass at the XMAS party…:reloading

I’m sorry to hear that…


That’s it… You’re going down, Tiny !!!

no wings for him.

that’ll get to him more than anything

I think you’re right

WOW,Sorry man…that sucks.

Hmm.let me try this in a different aproach seeing is how one mind cannot understand the mind of greatness:kekegay: I’m an asshole…plain n simple. Meet me in person and i’m still an asshole but not as much and if u had a problem i would one of the first to try as well as help u out,i guess u could say i am an asshole to certain people but an asshole with a great heart. Can u understand that asshole? Bottom line i am an ASSHOLE!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But how about we try not to be an asshole…:love:

P.S. Ur an asshole

:rofl: at Sleeper getting all emo and gay. Ohhh lets all get along… fag. :stick:

Ur an Asshole too, shot of jack?:beer:

One of these days when i actually have time to go out. Been working 60+hours a week.


No need to be sorry. This shit was over back in May. Since then it has been a chess game which I won since I got everything except the living room furnature (which was 5 years old anyways and I let the dog stay on it while shedding prior to her getting it) and she is making payments to me for her debt. I got the house without having to buy her out, kept my bike, kept the truck, everything in the house, my 401K is free and clear from her. Trust me I had a field day.

So now I can move on with my life like I have been and I’m that far ahead in the game.

Fuck with the bull, get raped with the horns.
