Who has had a slipped disc ?(Back)

Pass on this if you can, I have never had any good come from nor has my dad.

I slipped l2 & l3 a few years back, was off work for close to 6 months, did the chiro thing 3 days a week the whole time, and did 3 packs of roids. They doctors wanted to operate, but I did see that as an option since the best they could give me was 89-90% recovery without pain, and 95-97% healing naturally. So I took the time and got better. It still bothers me once in a while when I tend to over do it, but then again my being a fat guy doesn’t help.

Anyhow, good luck with whatever you decide.

I agree that a good chiropractor could fix you up. Getting the shot is just for the pain, your not doing anything to help the problem. Even the chiropractor should be able to tell you if its serious enough for surgery or not.

I’ve never had a slipped disc, but i’ve broke my back twice now (technically). I’ve been in and out of the chiropractor since i was 12 and its necessary to keep my shit inline.

get a massage from beth…

My girl just had a ruptured disc (between the lowest one and the one above that) happened about a month ago. It was pushing on her sciatic (sp) nerve which caused severe pain through her lower back all the way down her right (I think) leg. She could not move. The chrio did nothing really. She opted for the surgery. She went in Wednesday morning (March 21st) and was home Thursday morning (March 22nd). After she woke from the anesthesia she said it felt A LOT better, and was up walking (a couple steps) that day. She can’t go back to work for at least another month. Her back is a little sore around the incision but it is NOTHING compared to what it was before. A complete recovery will take weeks. The surgery was only $7k (thank god for insurance)

try the other stuff first, surgery is the last option.

my dad is an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in the spine… He’s keeps surgery as the last possible option, and has over the last 15 years developed groundbreaking treatments for slipped discs, herniated discs and such… if you want to get a doctor’s opinion let me know… he also had to have his neck fused from a herniated disc, that the doctor who performed it said he should have been paralzed for it, he ignored the pain until his hands went numb and he suddenly felt it could affect someone else…(I drove him to Syracuse, New York since he didn’t trust any local doctors to do it - since most of those doctors refer it to him…) anyways point being he’s been through the pain himself… if your serious, get a hold of me…

Thanks all, i called the chiro i go to becasue my normal doc hasnt been there, i complianed to him about the treatment from the rookie chiro doc n he pulled me in today at no charge for everything he could do and figure out, well needless to say he cracked it every which way u can n out me on shock as well as a roller bed and boy it kills now! He said everything is outa alignment and my pelvis in cock eyed as well so he readjusted it. I have to go back on friday as well and so on and nothing helps in about two more weeks i will go to get an MRI n see a specialist but for now i guess i’ll juts try this n see whta happens. Who knows with me though, i’ll prob end up going to see a specialist next week if nothing helps, i am impateint