Who has had a slipped disc ?(Back)

I have a slipped disc in my middle back and it has been this way for almost three weeks now, it is either from lifting too much or i kinda threw a kid over my head but either way it is slipped inward adn i cannot do anything! And by anything i mean i can’t lift, can’t do a few jobs i planned on doing and it sucks. I have pushed my self in the last two weeks a few times to hard like lifting n quad riding and it kills the day after. Has anybody ever had this happen and what did u do? I went to the chiro a few times n all he did was crack it n tell me to come back if need be(waste of money). Should i go see a doctor or let it be for now? It hurts like a pinching when i lean back n compress my spine towards my belly. This sucks hard core!:down: Any suggestions?

go to the doctor/

three years ago had l4,l5,l6 got to the point i coulnt walk lay sit next day they operated know perfect doctor in greensburgh jeffery somthing i could find out if really interested:crying:


  1. Hang upside down in decompression boots to get the disc to go back into place.
  2. Get an “AWP” back-brace at Lowe’s for 15 bucks, and use the damn thing when you lift crap (including lifting punks over your head :mrT:)
  3. get hot stone massage (with happy ending, if you like that).

that sucks sleeper, go get that shit looked at buddy

Last thing i need right now is surgery man:hs: I don’t nor can’t be out of comission for any longer, i cannot take it! :fart:

LMAO! U know i thought about that decrompression boot thing and wondered if it really worked? Now number two i dont think would work becasue of when i compress the spine downwards/inwards it pinches so the brace wouldn’t do much, i wear one the last two/three times i went to the gym. Number 3…doubt it would work but…sky spa is only down the street:eek3:

The boots can work but only if you didn’t damage it too badly. The trick really is to allow the stuff to heal if it’s the kind of stuff that will heal. If it doesn’t get better, get it fixed. You don’t want to be a bent-over old man at 29…

Maybe Mrs Spangler could help? I felt like a million bucks after a massage from her. I need to get back there again actually.

Your joking right?:confused:

not at all…

She does physical therapy type massages.

that doc said the pinch felling is the gel like substance inside the disc. it ataches itself to the nerves in the spine and can cause permenent nerve damage if left alone. but if you have an mri they may find that its not that bad

To tell u the truth john massage cannot help what is wrong unfortunatley. O well guess a docs call is in need once again, bastard never called me back yesterday:bash:

well then go to the dr

:hahano: :slap: Thanks John, i will take it into consideration

IMO I would get a massage first, before wasting the money at the dr office. My dad had all kinds of back problems, slipped disc the works. He slipped a disc about 10 years ago, went to the dr’s and spent all kinds of money on tests. He went to the chiropractor, still no help. got a 100 dollar massage. he felt like new. He gets massages now for preventive and had no problems.

I have back problems for years of sports, i have a shoulder injury as well. I spent a boatload of money going to the chriopractor over the years. 1 session with amanda she was able to tell me i had a shoulder problem with out me telling her. and I felt like new and have had little to no back paint in months!

I know that my dad gets shots in his back for a slip disk. I think he gets them every couple of months.

If the Chiro didnt much then you might be in for surgury. My dad has had close to 15 slip/fused disks. Thats not an overstatement.He currently has 2 crushed verts and hes just waltzing around like its nothing. He had rotator cuff surgury a year ago and since then he’s had those crushed disks.


Thanks for the input, so now i find myself trying to figureo ut to go the docs or get a massage…surgury is to far into things as of yet. I just want to be back to normal again.