Who has shipped a transmission?


I did not give poor advice. I work for fedex and have for 8 years. I think i may know a little about the subject of packing & shipping. The Motor and diff i shipped were for other people…not my own. i could not tell you how well they were packed…i can only tell you that it worked…and on several occasions. Is it the best method…probobly not…everyone knows that. I just threw it out there that it can be done.


I’ve got pictures that would prove you wrong. Ever see what happens to plastic rubbermaid type containers in the belly of a plane 30,000 feet up when the temp drops?

You work for Fed Ex… exactly, that’s why it will probably arrive broken. You would think someone that works for a packing company would NOT throw some half-assed packing method “out there”. So what if it can be done, it’s not the right way, and you know it. Why say to do it then? :picard:

Poor advice = not doing it the right way. So you pretty much gave poor advice.


I’m out to make money, not win an award for best shipping practices.


I don’t even know what to say to that :roll: