Nice! The company I used to work for did a lot of work on the development of that plane.
I like the field I am in. I like the technology I play with. I like having a company car to drive around all the time and not have to pay for gas.
I don’t like my pay. My extensive hours (with over time I already am at my base salary this year and its only september). How everything that people don’t want to try to figure out ends up on my lap. Project management and sale people that just sell stuff on a whim and have no idea how hard or complex new systems are compared to the stuff years ago, etc.
I like my job as I make it enjoyable. I have new challanges on almost a daily basis which helps keep things interesting.
If I woke up every morning saying “I don’t want to go to work” then I can see why some people hate their jobs. Instead, they should wake up and say “What can I do today to get the job done” then maybe their job would suck less.