Who hates their job?

Give it back. :squint:

i like what ya did there

I moved half way across the US for my job, I hope I like it. I am just mad I don’t get to play with the machines. I guess I will have fun playing with the 15 liter diesel engine I am working with :slight_smile:

I will just get some studded tires for my Trailblazer :slight_smile:

FAWWWWKKK my job… I work sixty hours a week and cant get benefits !

I love my job. I love the people I work with. I don’t like the hours, but I’m compensated so at 23, I really can’t complain. Most of the reason I enjoy my job is because of whom I work for. Anywhere else, I would’ve peaced out 2 years ago.

Working outside my availability…not fucking cool. How hard is it to schedule your part-time employees correctly?

I like my job most of the time.Challenging work but working outside in the elments sucks sometimes and you just have to deal with it. I like going to new places every 4-12 months(construction).Hours are great 7-330. Iv learned to deal with being in shitty situations like working in tight spacese with an inch of dust. Just do it and dont complain and it puts a positive outlook on other things in life

i like my job
dont like the other person i work with.
once i finish school my pay will double atleast. if i worked at a job where i did the same thing every day i would hate it and probably quit within a week

:tup: any word on them hiring?

WTFudge. I dont even want to hear it… How do you think my Daily has 330k? lol move closer if you dont want to drive or buy a TDI :stuck_out_tongue:

after today, i fucking hate my job so bad.

anyone need a receptionist.

anwsering phones and working with a pc would be awesome!

I doubt anyone on this forum would hire you with the things you post.

nyspeed is one of my outlets :slight_smile:

I love my job. I am one of two painters at a very exclusive sign company. It is a small company of ~120 workers, all friends. We have happy hour on thursdays and cookouts once a month. The owner of the company just bought a body shop for all of our painting which kicks ass and as long as the work is caught up the owner doesn’t mind us bringing in our own crap to get sprayed.

The downside is the pay, it isn’t what it should be but we are a growing company.

I love my full time m-f job, good pay, great people to work with, and a boss that lets me do pretty much whatever I want as long as shit gets done.

I HATE my part time job, which involves working with stupid people who I suspect destroy brain cells forming sentences and complete thoughts and are incapable of doing anything for themselves. I cant wait to quit that gig in a few months.

I like my job but driving 35k+ miles/year and working 70+ hours/week is the suck.

I make 18 bucks an hour and have a whooooole shit load of overtime available to me. I like my job is what im trying to say

Flying this is my job. I like it alot.

I love my free time, I love being busy, I love helping people qualify for the programs, but the in between time, looking for a qualified client gets old. Other than the finding qualified leads, I love my job 99% of the time.