Who here has gold and is planning on selling it?

Just curious, checked the paper yesterday and it’s up to $970/ounce or so. Hasn’t been that high in a loooooong time. i remember just a few years ago it was around $350 and that was considered decent.

I have a few gold ounce coins laying around, i’m thinking now’s a good time to sell before the government gets something right, and the dollar starts becoming worth more.

On the other hand though, “experts” predict an ounce of gold to reach $1200 in the near future…might wait for it to break $1000 and then get rid of these dust collectors.

Wait for it.

Id say wait a month, and see if its moves up.

This is the time when i wish i had some gold, besides old jewelry in the house.

gonna find me a coin collector to rob.

i just checked and it did rise again today to $990 or so…

$20 a day per coin to let them take up dresser space, i dont mind

yea wait some more.

how many ounce coins you got? Maybe you can permanently fix the Z if you cash in?

a few…but i’m not gonna dump all the money into the Z, might use some of it to top off my paint fund, MAYBE some suspension, but no more go-fast mods for me, that just causes more shit to break, and then causes more expense.

prob gonna use it to pay off a chunk of student loans.

inflation’ll do that.

I wasnt talking go fast mods, more of reliabilty, I remember you chasing vacuum leaks last year and a turbo that wanted to set you on fire.

meh i dont think i had a turbo that wanted to set me on fire, i did have a fuel line leaking right next to a turbo, so that coulda been bad lol…

but honestly, i have less than $100 in mechanical repairs to make altogether. found a good used power steering pump (rather than trying to fix mine) for $60, and then i just have to replace a vacuum line and a coolant line, both of which i already know the location, it’s just a matter of getting to them.

Ahh ok, for some reason I thought you had a bunch of other issues to chase around.

Student loans are always good to pay off especially if you can apply it all to the principal.

I wish i had some gold :frowning:

I have a co-worker who buys and sells gold via ebay to avoid taxes… he makes some good money this way… I going to guess it’s illegal?

I don’t see why it would be… assuming that he is reporting it onhis income taxes… :slight_smile:

If you sell your gold for the worthless paper money the fed gives you, you’ll lose the only true international currency you own. Don’t let the dollar signs cloud your judgement, keep the gold.

just because your gold coin is an ounce does NOT mean it will be worth 960 bux… you have to remember that that price is for PURE gold… which your coins are NOT


i really appreciate you coming here to tell me what i have and don’t have…i don’t know what i’d do without you.

The same thing applies to jewelry…

sweet, glad i could help

Gold futures soared to a record high of $1007.30

Kreugerrands at $1019.00

Golden Eagles even higher

All the big time investors were saying to buy gold a year and two ago, and that the paper dollar would be worth diddly dick.

They are all right now.

that’s such a generic and meaningless statement… every time something proves to be a good move you can go back in time and find somebody who thought it was a good idea. I don’t even know what a big time investor is, can you get a degree in that?