Who runs OSX86 nativly on their PC?

just saw that this is finally shipping


not sure if it works or not yet… there are no current reviews. But it’s supposed to fool the computer into behaving like a mac, and will boot os as a result (apparently even the retail updates).

if it works, it seems like a good deal

totally overrated. Installed it after turning the mode on my drive from ahci or something to IDE. Installed but would not support my video card higher than 1024x768 and says my ram was ddr2. Also no wireless. Personally I dot know why people use it. I am going to try the updated cd I think and try one more time or Linux it is


I got aggravated and installed Fedora 9…I will find a better computer and try again…

Ya I did the same thing. Personally, if I am going to install something Unix based, I would rather just use Linux.

Somehow my intel wireless doesn’t get installed right. I have a early release of Fedora core live CD so I might have to grab the copy of the DVD and take a spin now that my hard drive is partitioned right.

When I tried it on my dell laptop, I felt the same way. The graphics blew, and it took forever to get wireless working. I reverted back after a few sketchy boot-ups.

The next time I did a hackintosh install it was for a machine that I built for the GF(couldn;t afford a new mac). I researched all compatible motherboards,video cards, etc… I built a machine with Intel GMA 950 graphics(apple standard) on-board, pentium D, and a mother board that was reported to be fully working.

Machine is easy to do an install on, and does not take any extra tinkering to get up and running, and no special maintenance. I do not dual boot or anything.

If you want a cheap mac desktop, I would recommend this. If you want an OS X laptop, get to the apple store.

^ Exactly.

Laptops are often picky. They use random hardware that Apple never used or supported, so its hard to make it work often. The big one is the wireless, thats sometimes impossible to get to work, and that kills it right there.

If you want a computer to run OSX, you can build one for $400 with a monitor. Laptops… Well you can try to run it on yours, but it all depends on the hardware in it and your patience.

Before I bought my macbook I had a hackintosh that was built with known-compatible parts. I was able to install point release updates using software update without doing anything special.

If you have the right hardware, osx86 is nearly flawless.

I don’t really see the point to it over Linux tho. I mean all the features I saw was available in Fedora Core 9 but hey, thats just me.

true… the only reason I have it installed is for the iphone sdk and use it for itunes and shit. If not for those, I probably wouldn’t of bothered. (it is good to be able to learn the system though)

Ya. That was one of my reasons to get the SDK but I found you can do it with a Linux install too so I might just take that path. Its tough to get help on the IRC channel but I will search around and see if I can find any info on getting my Intel WiFi card to work and my Nvidia graphics card to work and give it a fair shot.

hmm great success

My boss is getting me a Macbook pro :lol:

Fedora blows like just about all distros of desktop linux. Linux is great when it comes to servers but the ease of use/quality of software just isn’t there.

Um… explain.

It runs fine and I can do everything I do on my windows PC including gaming.

Are you basically comparing the “software isnt there” becuase you cant get the exact program you use on windows and not open to alternatives?

I’m referring to the quality of software on linux. Generally speaking, most of it just isn’t polished. That’s what happens when your developers work for free and are not trained in making a proper user interface.

Start using OS X for a month or two and you will see that the software is where it shines. Way better than linux and in many cases better than Windows as well.

I have absolutely nothing against linux. I think it is awesome if you know enough to do what you need to do. I run red hat based linux on over 10 servers and have no problems with it at all. But for the average user, or someone that cares about the graphical elements of the OS/software, linux is probably not the right choice.

the statement of “I don’t see the point of it over Linux” does not really have any precedence here. That argument has been beaten like a dead horse. They both have their own place in the world and it is up to the individual to decide which they should be using. Also, linux on the laptop can be, and often is, just as difficult to get setup and running properly.

To each their own. I have all 3 OSs running on machines at home.

Oh come on tom, you know you want to argue.


I have way too much work to do

Fedora doesn’t have software…just type yum :lol:

I never said it didn’t have software, I said the software is poorly made :wink:

The server software is decent (CLI) but most of the software with a GUI is very unpolished.

Ya thats what I mean with “I dont see the point of it” meaning working to get OSX installed on my laptop would just be doing the same purpose if I installed Fedora. Some people like it, some people don’t.


Why becuase it doesn’t look as slick as Vista? You are really basing the software you use purley off if it has a polished GUI? You can theme the window decorations to look however you want and even the base of the application can be themed. You are just close mineded and not open to looking for new software that might be able to do the same task or better.

I personally like the command line utilities. I like terrorizing VoIP networks with my VLAN hopper :slight_smile: