Who runs OSX86 nativly on their PC?

I love when people debate software…

Everything I do in Windows…I can do in Linux…and I get to run all my fun command line network/pentesting tools…

If Linux isn’t for you…sweet…have fun with windows.

Edit: Time to find out if my USB -> Serial adapter works in Fedora

If you were a person that needed to you photoshop, illustrator, excel, powerpoint, you would probably prefer to use OS X over linux(not discussing windows here).

I know there are substitutes for those, but power users won’t deal with that.

Personally, I agree with you. However, there is definitely a point in doing it for certain people.

Hell, sometimes its not even worth it for me to struggle with getting linux up and running(wireless bs and sound cards, blahh).

Ya I am not staying Windows and the best or OSX sucks or Linux is for cool people.

Everyone has their own choices. I am just saying that the argument that “Linux has no software” isn’t a valid one anymore with all the support for applications and new open source stuff thats out there. You just need to get out of your typical program field and explore new options to do the same thing. That was my big hurdle when I first switched was having to lookup new software to do some things and most of the time, the other choices out there were better in ways.

How does the drivers work on OSX? IS there a NDISWRAPPER type program to use windows drivers for my Intel wireless card?

I don’t think so, but I imagine that there’s a hacked/generic driver around somewhere for it. Do you know the model number off hand?

maybe I just got lucky, because other than the nvinject and marvel yukon drivers, everything else worked right out of the box

Bryan, if you still have problems and want OS for app development, you can always install it in vmware or virtual PC… I know for a fact that it will work ok (albeit a little slower)

edit: or you can try pearPC (osx emulator)

Ya there is a thread on forums about they are working on drivers for my wireless card. I can get the model number today. I have the vista 64 bit drivers that ndiswrapper is using on my fedora install. hoping it would be that easy for the mac.

Tried this again with Kalyway 10.5.2 and still no luck. The OS runs great and fast but no video card support and no wireless/network.

Still trying to find a way to get the iPhone SDK and Xcode installed.

what video card? Did you select the customize option before installing and choose the correct patches that correspond to your hardware?

Ya. I messed with Kernels and Patches to try to get things to work. I got it to boot decent and have sound. Just stuck in 1024x768 resolution on a 17" 1080p monitor.

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS 512MB DDR3
Wireless Card: Intel Wi-Fi Link 802.11a/b/g/n

boxxa, the native resolution on your monitor is 1920x1080? I assume at 60hz?

I just went through this since my gtx260 isn’t supported.

What you need to do is first boot OS and go to terminal

type in

sudo nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist

It will load the plist that you need to edit.

At the end of the “strings” add the following

<key>Graphics Mode</key>



Then just (right side)Ctrl+O to save (and then press Enter to save) and (right side)Ctrl+X to close

restart osx and you should be running your native resolution. You may want to keep looking though because I’m almost positive that your card is supported, you might need OS version 10.5.5 though. If not, the above will work fine, you just wont get any hardware acceleration.

yeah, the NVidia drivers have pretty good support, you should use those if you can and try not to do too many other “hacks”

I will try that. Not familar with how to play with drivers tho and getting used to the layout of the mac os.

Where can I find 10.5.5? I have been looking but it seems the hackintosh cds are quite a few releases behind.

yeah, there is an update for it that you can use so it doesnt corrupt your install, but it didn’t work for me and caused a kernel panic (and I was using the stock kernal with EFI emulation) which is odd. I’m just sticking to 10.5.2. The iphone SDK says you NEED 10.5.5, but you really dont.

There are 2 more releases you can grab, but don’t recall the authors at the moment… I think the one is uphuck? Forgot the name of the other.

Ya Xcode and SDK installed fine on 10.5.2 and ist a really nice environment. Just need wireless access. Lol

nice :tup: have you started writing anything? I’m trying to learn objective c right now, but going nowhere fast lol even the “hello world” demo is confusing

Haven’t tried programming much of anything since Qbaisc

No. Have the plan for a game laid out and working on graphics for it. Trying to get the environment together and pickup the language. I have light Java experience so the OOP idea is understandable, just picking up the way Apple libraries are laid out and once I get OS X installed and have a stable environment I can tackle it better

well, good luck man :tup: let me know if you want a tester


Hopefully that comes out soon. It has my wireless driver in there and did some reasearch on the patch to apply that should get my 512MB video card working.

Trying to search around now to find a download of this image. 10.5.4 seems to have the support I need too or at least found a place to install drivers for my wireless.

That one realease tho has what I need. The intel 4965 wireless drivers.


Can I just leave a 20 GB partition anywhere free on my drive or does it have to be in the beginning?

I don’t follow you, what do you mean? For installing OSX on?

I know that OS needs to be installed on a primary partition, other than that, it doesn’t matter

Ok. Just curious if it was picky like the early windows versions about where on the drive it was located. I am going to install 10.5.2 again.

Also, I seemed to come across this site: http://code.google.com/p/iwidarwin/

The bottom has my 4965 for OSX 10.5 which I might give a shot.

How hard is it to compile and install something on a Mac?