Who runs OSX86 nativly on their PC?

haven’t tried compiling on it, so no idea. Are there no pre-compiled packages? Installing is usually very simple, but some things are more comlicated that others.

If worse comes to worse, you can use your phone as a WIFI card until you do find one that works.

Oh I read the wrong version. The one I need is just a DMG file so hopefully its a mount and go after copying some version of NetworkManager over. I can deal with lack of video for now since everything still runs slick if the wireless starts working.

Someone able to clarify these steps?

  1. Download the appropriate driver from the main page (So I download the DMG file for my wireless card)

  2. Close all applications that are running (Simple)

  3. Mount the DMG file you have downloaded (Simple)

  4. Copy the matching version of NetworkSelector to a place that is easy to remember and run it to configure your card (Is this something already on the Mac or something I need to download? The site is Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. but no downloads)

  5. Open the package in the newly mounted drive to load the installer program.

  6. Click continue to install and select the hard drive where OSX is installed

  7. You may have to enter your password before the installation will continue

  8. When the installation completes the installer will ask you to reboot.

  9. After the reboot open “Network Preferences” and the adapter will be listed. (I know where this is)


Where to get it

NetworkSelector should be included in the DMG file of the driver you are installing along with the package file.

honestly, I think you’ll be surprised on how well it will actually run without the video card.

right now FMV runs smooth as silk, animations look great and the general screen image in how it should be. Just anything in OpenGl gets laggy

good luck man… lmk if you have any problems

Just found this:

It may be easier to just run it in vmware. Tiger sucked because it ran like shit, but some dude created a vmware tools package for os

vmware guide:

vmware tools:

Sadly, my network card is an Intel 5100 and is not supported by OSX yet so I need to wait.

I have managed to get iPC 10.5.6 installed on my laptop in VMWare and it runs AMZING

1920x1200 res with desktop effects (Quartz GL) and full support for audio and networking.

Which is the best version to try now?

I am installing onto a Dell inspiron 9400

XxX disc is my favorite. Just make sure you are familiar with your hardware so that you will know which customizations you will need to enable.


I don’t think googleing for XXX disc is going to help me much :lol:

Edit: Found it…downloading now…all these torrents suckkkkk so slowwww

I used iPC Final which is 10.5.6 or whatever and worked great. Had everything and even had full video working no problem. Just stupid intel network card wasn’t working :frowning:

you can make it work

He stopped the project, but the .iso is still out there on the torrents/newsgroups I’m sure. Note that I am not sure if this release will allow you to update your mac.

You’re going to buy this laptop after I make this work right :lol:

$300 :tup:


Maybe if I dont buy a Mac mini first

Hmmm I think I almost have it working :lol:

Apparently you can’t use case sensitive when formatting the partition

how did you format it? Using the Disk Utility built in, you can use upper-case and spaces for the volume names.

I was talking about the file system…

You can use Extended Journaled…You can use case sensitive…

Ok, not really sure that I am following you. Do what ya gotta do though.

When you format a mac partition your options are…the boot loader has an issue with case sensitivity with iPC

MacOS Extended Journaled
MacOS Extended Non Journaled
MacOS Extended Journaled + Case Sensative
MacOS Extended Non Journaled + Case Sensative

that’s odd, I don’t recall the Case Sensitive option. I just did a re-format/install last night on a mac too!! lol. I get what you’re saying now.

i think i am going to swap out the wireless on my laptop or try to find a working USB WiFi dongle thing.