Who Wants To Teach Shorteaz How To Drift?

too ancient. hehehe

lol. iill teach her in phils s14.5

lol i dont think that would happen… phil will own you…

ill kick his ass. :slight_smile:
or il lget my friend too and take his car lol :slight_smile:
too bad hes sellin it.

my theory …well…not exactly a theory…but what i think…has come back and proven me right once again! lol…i have tonnes and tonnes of ppl offering to teach me how to drive manual…funny thing is…i still dont know how to:hmm

lol. so do uplan on makin u Z standard?

i wud like to…but wats the point if i dont even know how to drive manual lol

GRRRRRRRRRR Why do you lie??? You know you were planning on buying all my 5 speed stuff when I do my swap.
You were almost lucky too. You could’ve won it all in that bet. Shame on you.
You’ve been living in that area for almost two years. What makes you think I’ve seen it once and know it better than you???
Street Signs… Geezzzz

hey i dont lie…i wud like to buy it…but i guess it depends if ur willin to wait till i get sum money to buy it…i know…i shudda just bet anything …but its alll goood…yea but still…it cudda been knocked down or sumthing…u never know hahaha

thats why u do it and learn lol

but then if i cant learn…im screeweedd…thats why i need to learn before hand …then ill prove everyone wrong…and that it is possible to drive manual with stilettos on hahaha

it is possible lol hahah.
if a 9 yearold kid from my work coudl drive standard im sure you can lol. its all about practise

Best “how-to” on youtube. Really funny too! I really liked the part about stalling.

holllyy this thread is annciiennt…and old news…i already know how to drive manual now haha

lol i love the overkill on what happens if you give too much gas when letting out the clutch

thats called spooling the turbos for people with a turbo setup. for N/A its just burning rubber. lol.

was that ur attempt to make me feel bad about having a slow ass n/a car? lol

Turbos don’t really spool that much before the clutch is let out. Turbos don’t really spool that much without any load on the engine. The boost is usually parallel to the load on the engine.

Yes… j/k 1242

haha i dont care so much about how slow or fast my car is right now…i mainly care about its presentation …and getting it to atleast a semi nice…stock …clean looking car…oh…and…getting it to start running again lol

nope it aint…starter i think?

well its a bit of a mess at the moment…a fresh paint job would be nice and get rid of the rust…i cant afford much so nothing is going to be happening with my car for a while…but still…i want my car to be pretty too :)…see i dont think its lowered…patrick thinks it must have been…i dunno…cut springs possibly??..but yea…my car is a work in vverrryy slow progress lol

i really cant afford my car…but i do some how lol

ummmm… Pete. It seems like the starter actually, “fell off”

  • Tranny Swap in end of September – Starter was torqued to spec as per my FSM
  • Angelica went to Bez’s shop a week later to get the studs in the exhaust downpipe torched out and replaced. Bez noticed that the starter was lose. Bez tried to retighten but the threads were stripped. I assume the starter was still somewhat tight as she was able to start it and drive it for a while
  • A week to 2 weeks later the starter motor cranks. From the sound that I heard on the phone it seemed like the starter was semi engaging and would slip off of the flywheel. Without looking it would seem like the Solenoid is on its way out, but with Bez making mention that the starter was loose I presume this is also a possibility.

I’m extremely happy your Sunroof getaway S13 stays. When you bring it down we’ll set up a time to fix those frame rails up.