Who's at fault???

I’m just going to suck it up and and go to the collision reporting center today, then contact my insurance company. If my premiums go up, so be it. That asswipe isn’t getting a dime from me, that’s for sure.

I’m at the point where I’m just wondering, what is the point of having a nice car? No matter how defensive you drive or how responsible you are, there’s always some douche bag who seems to think they’re the best driver in the world and doesn’t car one bit if they damage your car.

So, does he want you to pay for the “damages” done to his car? or do you just want your car fixed.

If you want your car fixed, your shit outta luck. You could go through insurance file a claim and then pay a large slum of money over the next 5 years lol. Or you could just forget about it, and get a shop to fix it, or buy a new hood off of here? if you have a s13 they sell for dirt cheap.

If he wants money from your, tell him to fuck off, dont give him your address or number. your just asking for trouble.

Do it right. If you do go that far file a police report documenting his driving. Also mention the fact he was operating a motor vehicle while using his phone and perhaps that also led to his shit driving. You don’t have to report it to a collision centre unless it is over 2K in damage I believe. At least file that police report and do not hold back man.

hey man the HTA basically says any incident caused due to a left turn is the fault of the turnee…tell him to go f k his hat

When he said he was a lawyer, I panicked a bit and said I would give him cash. He said how much, and I offered $500. I then proceeded to give him my name, cell number and address (but not my condo apt. number). He said he would call today for the money, but so far I haven’t heard from him. If he does call, I’ll just say I am going through my insurance and that’s that.

depends on the damage. but hey… paying 500 bucks now is better then having a record on your insurance.

dont fucken pay that prick!

he should pay you

if you can drag it out for 1 week your in the clear…48 hours and you are no longer able to make a police report, and 7 days and you are no longer able to make an insurance claim. I know this because when i got hit i went in to the reporting station and told them the situation as i was worried the guy would not pay me. They informed me about these time lines so i gave the guy 6 days and it all worked out. day 7 i was going to call my insurance. Good luck and sorry to hear about what happened

Ok, update. I called the guy and told him I’d rather go through my insurance company. He replied that I’m backing out of my agreement to give him cash and that how does he know I’ll change my mind again. I then politely asked for his insurance information but he refused and said his lawyer will give me the information. He kept saying that I would hear from his lawyer. After he said that, I just said ok and hung up.

Is he ticked off that I backed out on agreeing to give him $500? He’s going to go out of his way to hire a lawyer just to get that money? If I go through insurance and they find that it’s all my fault, he still gets his bumper fixed by my insurance company. So he doesn’t lose any money at all.

Lawyers aren’t free, he would lose money by hiring a lawyer. And how would you be at fault if it was clear that what he did was a stunt? Surely he will lie, but like many have said, it’s a he said you said situation. I think you made a big mistake man by calling this early. You need to buy time not kill it.

If he geta a lawyer you better argue that you were under duress. You were under duress when you made that verbal contract, therefore the contract is legally void. He coerced you and threatened you into the contract dude, that is illegal. Be very careful with your words right now, less is better.

oh man… if i were you… i would just pay 500 and tell him to go f him self…

who knows man… he might say he got injured by this accident or so on and so on… i had too many scatched out people in my life… and if there is a quick and eazy way out of this shit ill take that way… but hey its just my 2 cent.

but if you d like to do that killing time style… it works too :smiley:

yes K-Man! You won, he is scared about going to the insurance. Dont worry about a thing now. And he cant claim being injured WAY after the fact either you have nothing to worry about. If he tries to pull that you have the leverage of him trying to scam $500 from you during the time of the incident and with no real damage on the car his claim wont fly.

No, not going to give in and give this jerk any of my money. He has to take it up with my insurance company. His lawyer will be in touch with me? That’s bs. Lawyers deal with insurance companies, they don’t deal with specific individuals in a fender bender.

If his claim is that I backed out of a verbal agreement to give him money, then I can argue that giving money under the table without reporting isn’t right and since he stated he was a lawyer, he should know the law.

As for his claiming to be injured, I hit him going 2-3 kms/hr.

I still think you should look into getting some violence to happen to him, but hey, that’s just my line of thinking :smiley:

On a slightly more serious note though, this is what you get for being tolerant. I would have matched his speed and ran his ass off the road when he tried to pass me. In fact, I HAVE done this in the past, in almost the exact same circumstances. It felt damn good too. Some punk ass tries to use the paved shoulder to pass you, RUN HIS BITCH ASS OFF THE ROAD.

Solarian, what if they tuen into you? I have had somenpeople charge at me full speed without hesistation. I can only afford liability, so I lose verything where they stand to gain. I hate Ontario insurance,

Rage prevents me from thinking about the consequences :smiley:
But seriously though, if they’re on the paved shoulder, why do you need more than liability? They broke the law by going there to begin with. It’s an obvious at fault for them.


Yes, in that instance. Now I find people just turn without caring. I have had a few drivers turn at me while looking and I would punch it and boost out. People are fucked, no one uses their turn signals in Peel. Bullshit I tell ya. Yesterday a guy drove on the sidewalk while talking on his phone. Of course the million cops in Peel were too busy doing nothing to catch that one or any of the shit ai catch on a daily basis.

Its simple. Call his bluff. Ignore him. Don’t contact your insurance company. Drag it out for 7 days and your legally free. He has no insurance info. If he was a lawyer he would have had you in a tighter spot. With little to no negotiation power. Such as insurance info. Verbal agreements do not completely exist in this type of situation. They have not much weight. He has no documented proof. He would not get a lawyer to come after you for the funds because it would cost way to much. If he was smart he would take you to small claims court. But his claim would have no weight. No proof you did the damages to his vehicle. In an Auto Accident always keep a camera to document the damages and positions of the vehicles. Also he would have made a police report and would have provided you a copy of it. He would have also went to a collision center to have the damages documented. Hes bluffing in order to obtain a cash grab from you.

Btw. Just so you know. In Ontario when you rear end someone it’s an automatic 6 demerit points.