Why do Ibooks blow?

I know why…I have one in 100 peices because the HD died and needed to be replaced.

well there is another reason for it to suck ass… if you have to tear it all apart to get the the HD

omg i love ibooks.

do you have instructions? i have a sweet one online som,eplace.

my advise

lots of pictures. then put it back together.

waiting for the extra screw count lol


Its hard to see but there are screws everywhere…and I still have a shit load more to take apart to get the HD out.

your pic sucks, im gonna take a better one.


been there

i actually pulled off the processor by mistake my first time… be careful

Meh im not scared…I may even stop and finish it tomorrow lol

That might cause some extra screws.

Or you could just ask me for a copy of the service manual.


You know, if you put a strip of masking tape down sticky side up, and stick the screws on in the order/location notes it makes it a whole lot easier to avoid the extra screws. :slight_smile:

Then again if it was any other notebook it would have just been one screw.

its probbley 50 screws…All of which are different sizes

wow, thats a bitch

thats the kicker… you need to know what goes where or the last screw wont hold.

good luck man…

:meh: Because you don’t need to take out half of that stuff to get to the HDD

Because you don’t take out half of that stuff to get to the HDD

WOW… i’m sooo happy dells are two screws and a pull…

wow. um applecare?

i <3 my ibook.

Send the manual away…lol

yea…my fiances HD died a couple years ago when it was like 2 years old and my brother had it in a million pieces…