Why do most of the 240s on here still suck??

Why do most of the 240s on here still suck??

Here’s the answer:

Most of everything sucks. Think about it

How many shirts at the store are awesome… less than 10% of them.
Even further, how many stores in a mall are awesome? Maybe slightly more than 10%
How many houses are totally wicked… 10% or less
How many cool civics do you see? haha, like .5%
You go to the grocery store to buy bulk oranges, how many do you have to sift through to get a bag of perfect ones… if you can even find that.


What you don’t like, suits someone else just fine.

Probably the smartest/wisest post in the entire thread.

Wow. Theo, that was impressive. lol, pretty good stuff.

I like how this got moved to drama after all the drama ended :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, i heart my life. <3

drama won in; 3…2…1

i got somthing for yall

:cool: Well put.

After reading this, Ed’s reaction should be pretty much this:

im surprised this thread is even still open

this thread pisses me off. who the fuck bitchs about something like this? dude grow some balls and walk away from the keyboard.

Haha and the rest of SON is like zombie girl in front of him.

The thing is, most people here think that they own some kind of racecar or someshit… Its like the 240’s the first car they’ve ever owned…

That and the fact that 240’s are way too easily affiliated with some form of motorsports…

Take the TOprotege guys for example, there’s a few guys on there running lots of boost, as well as running around with rims, CAI, and exhaust. Fairly stock. Their bodies are in great/perfect shape. The meets they have are social, they talk and have fun (also have monthly events too).

SON on the other hand… If you’ve got rims, CAI or SRI, an exhaust, and mismatched/faded paint, your car’s ghey… You go to a meet to try and show off your cars… Aren’t meets there for people to get together and talk about their cars, help with problems, etc.

Its like everyone’s benchracing with the next guy on appearance, performance mods, or both… Just take the car as it is, an A to B transport device that someone’s customized (or not) to their liking, rather than talking shit because you’ve got more money into yours therefore being better than them… There’s always someone better than you, if all you’re trying to do is be better than everyone else, you’re just tiring yourself out and going in circles…

PS. I love that gray Sil40 hatchback… That’s what I was aspiring my first 240 to look like…

xsnrge your logic is flawed. hell at a meet i re-made all my intercooler piping in a home depo parking lot with orange cones and plastic pipes lol

Shawn, please elaborate.

How many of us here actually own a 240 who just wants to drive it around and do cheap and simple mods to it. How many of us here have 240’s that are driven like they’re stolen? How many of us here have 240’s that we’re building up to be powerful and take to the track?

im wayyy to lazy to read all the 8 pages of comments,

but most of us own 240’s that arnt in the best condition becuase we love these cars way too much, and we will do anything to own one for the right amount of money

240’s are cheap as ass.

People buy them because there cheap and reliable.
Easy to mod
good power for the price.

What do you expect them all too look like?

some are nice, 20 % decent and the other 70% are shit rustbuckets.

this thread is still going? damn who knew

Not until you just revived it.

Ironic how you mention TOProtege. I tagged along with a buddy to a couple of their meets, most of their cars are RICEY as shit. Like, ricey to the beyondness of rice. Their meets, could be our “laugh at rice thread”. Yea they have boosted cars, cause they came that way from the factory. When I went, there was only one guy who’s car was even remotely quick, and he had a fully built motor, big ass turbo, and spent way more than any sane, reasonable individual should ever spend on a Protege.