Why do people need others to hold their hand?

I’m personally sick of the concept of dependency on others and expectations of others doing the job for you, this is applying to customer/worker bases.

Before working retail I did not realize that you’re allowed to be that much of an idiot as to walk into a place and be a clueless moron, maybe it’s because I grew up in another country, maybe it’s because nobody in my family behaves that way, maybe I’m just a bit more self sufficient than 95% of the population but either way I’m getting pretty sick of it.

If you’re that guy that walks into a gas station and without even as much as looking around and seeing a gigantic 2 feet tall, 7 foot wide sign that says “restroom” walk straight to the counter and ask if we have a bathroom, then this thread is for you.

I strongly believe that I get an “you’re allowed to be a dick” card, everytime I’m faced with those situations and I use them generously. If I tell you that no we don’t have a bathroom because your lazy ass didn’t even bother to look, and then you magically notice the sign on your way out, don’t get mad at me for telling you no, if you noticed it now, you could have just as well noticed it when you walked in. Or if I just answer “yes” to a question on whether or not we have it, don’t just stare at me for 5 minutes waiting for me to tell you where. F$#@ing look, or you want me to hold you hand and walk you to it as well? Want me to shake for you too?

If you’re that guy that walks into a gas station and just says “I’ll have this much (throws the money) on that pump over there” and just points in a random direction when all the pumps are full and we have product blocking the view, don’t be surprised when you go back out there in the freezing temps and sit for 5 minutes waiting to pump and it won’t pump so you’ll have to go back in again. You don’t go into a doctors office and just tell him you have a pain, and when he asks you where, you just say “I don’t know, you figure it out”. There is a certain amount of information that is required from you as a customer to get good/proper service. It would have taken you 3 seconds to take a look at the pump number before you walked in. Granted it would have made my day much less entertaining if I didn’t have anybody to f%ck with, but it’s a small price I’m willing to pay to have people be a bit more self sufficient.

If you’re that guy that walks into an auto parts store, and when asked the vehicle just point outside and say “I don’t know it’s that one over there around the corner”, go back out there, play with yourself a little bit, clear your mind and bang your head on the hood emblem of the car so at least when you walk back in, I’ll know what make you got to go with, unless you want me to hold your hand on that one too.

After years of seeing this kind of behavior day in and day out, quite frankly I’m getting a little bit sick of it. What happened to people? Why is half to 3/4 of population retarded?

I would understand and deal with it, if everybody was like that, but that is simply not the case. The rest of the population will be polite, know what they are doing, and take care of themselves without expecting others to hold their hand through the basic processes like using a book to look up your oil filter or the size of your wiper blades.

So what makes that other population different? Religion has a little bit to do with raising a good individual, but that’s just not always the case. Ignorance and expectations of Americans is part of the culture is what it boils down to, I’d have to say.

I could go on with the list of daily routine activities people do where they could do something themselves easily, and even save themselves time by doing it without asking for help of others all day, but I’d rather try to get a discussion going on this.

If you’re part of the majority of population that I’ve just described, I’d love to hear your justification for being that way. I’d also love it when these people get mad because I was a dick back to them, because it’s their own actions that lead to the event, so if you don’t like it, then stop doing it as its all in their control.



While complaining about being lazy you are in fact contradicting yourself in your argument here.

For some people it is just easier to take the extra 20 seconds to go inside and ask the customer service rep where the bathroom is rather than spend 5 minutes looking for the bathroom only to find you need a key from said rep in order to get in.

Now let me ask you a question: How long does it take you to say, " Yes, we have a bathroom. It is around the corner." ? I may have missed it but the last time I checked being a gas station attendant ranks pretty low on the “IQ Required to Work Here” scale. IMO, to whoever is making this argument, I would say to them, It is your JOB to support your customers. Take the extra 10 seconds to tell them where the bathroom is or to look out the window when they are pointing at their car at the pump.

Moral: Don’t bitch about people being lazy when your are in fact BEING lazy.

I had a feeling you’d chime in here. :excited

If it takes you 5 minutes to search for a giant sign that says “bathroom” you probably wouldn’t be able to find the gas station to begin with unless you were personally escorted there by a police officer who’s job it is to help the people as well.

A dentist is a very highly skilled job, which requires years of certified education no? If you’re sitting in a chair and he asks you which tooth hurts are you going to tell him “I don’t know you figure it out” or will you actually do your part as a customer and help move the process along?

This isn’t about the cashier being lazy. Yes you are correct, being a cashier (not customer service by any means) is not a highly skilled job that any idiot can do, and idiots often indeed do that job, while being stoned or on other drugs. So why on Earth would you trust their abridgment when you give them your hard earned money at your skilled job, instead of making best sure that your money goes on the right pump by looking at the number?

If he is indeed stupid and just doesn’t know the pump numbers, what are you going to do? You’re the one that will be forced to go back outside and take a look at it, just to go back inside and tell him anyway.

:rofl How long have you been waiting to use that one? :lol

In retail, you will ALWAYS have to deal with lazy retards. Their mentality is, you get paid to help them, might as well make you work for it. America, the home of the obese and lazy.

I know exactly what you’re talking about. Some people need direction… all the time. And yes, by some I mean most everyone. I must say parts has to be the worst one of them all. My personal favorite is the guy who has his wife call for parts with him sitting in the background telling her what he needs while you sit there and wait for something comprehensible.

It goes something like this:
You: Thank you for calling etc… How can I help you?
Woman: I need and part for my car.
You: What kind of vehicle is it?
Woman: Hang on… (yelling to her husband in the Background) What kind of car is it?
Husband: Its a 95 Blazer.
Wife: It’s a 95 Blazer.
You: Okay, what part do you need?
Wife: Ummm… (yelling to her husband) What part do we need?
Husband: It’s the Alternator!
Wife: I need and alternator.
You: Okay, what engine is in there so I can get you the right one.
Wife: (What engine is in there?)
Husband: Jesus, I don’t know that!
You: Just get me the 8th digit on the VIN.
Wife: He says just get the VIN #.
You: The 8th digit, I only need the 8th digit.
Wife: (Wait, he only needs the 8th Digit!)
Husband: What the hell, I’ll just ask him(grabs the phone from his wife)

LOL, how many times.

^ :rofl - daily occurrence.

Some customer service champions ITT. :rofl

Oh yeah, glad I got out of there, whew. Watervliet was pretty special as well.

I have always been fucked by the customer service rep in every situation I’ve ever been in.

It’s just evening out the field.

I got a laugh out of it every time though. I loved sticking with it because it would get so comical sometimes. Not to mention it gave you something to do!

Oh for the record a person just asking for the bathroom is typically not buying anything so technically he’s not a customer just a freeloader :tongue

It amazes me. The issue today is not the customer. It’s the customer service employees who think they are above the customer. Rediculous if you ask me.

You guys pick on the very people that are paying you your $7.85/hr to sit here and complain about having to actually do something.

Ding ding ding ding.

Print out this thread and staple it to your resume when you want to move up. :rofl

You’re the guy that has to be told and pointed to where the bathroom is, aren’t you?

You do your own shaking and wiping though.

Half way there :ponder


Actually it dosen’t matter to me because I don’t use the bathrooms in gas stations.

My point is that it is sickening how people complain about doing their jobs, especially over such minuscule shit. I guess when your used to working 90 hours a week and busting your ass you laugh when you hear people complaining about their 20 hour a week job and how they have to write an essay for their history class.

People asking for directions to the bathroom are not the issue today. The customer service rep who does nothing all day then complains when they do have to help a customer are the issue.

I don’t think that picking on is the right phrase. Some people deserve their 7.85 hr job. Some don’t. I just think that some people aren’t properly prepared for life. The mentality of self improvement and self reliance is almost non existant for some customers. I personally appreciate the customer that is prepared, but don’t care if they are not. That just doesn’t matter to me anymore. I get compensated for my efforts so I can appreciate anyone who has to have some direction.

I got out of that job and did move up quite well. To be honest the money paid for the position is sometimes not worth the headaches for a person that is actually above the position they are in. Each market has its own problems. That’s not to say that you are above the customer, but you don’t want to deal with them because you don’t feel the desire to. Once again, money isn’t always the problem. Some people no matter how much you give them will always let the customer down.

If I have to take an explosive SHIT the only thing on my mind when I am walking into a gas station/restaurant/random house is to NOT let that piece of shit slide out of my asshole. That’s it. I don’t have time to walk around some random place and search for the bathroom.

So when I ask you, the customer service rep/cashier/wiseass behind the counter where the bathroom is, you should simply point me in the direction so that I can hobble to the bathroom and explode in a fit of intestinal rage.

Being a wise ass is grounds for an upper decker.

i can see both points of view…

you are paid to perform a service. if you dont want to perform that service to the best of your ability, quit the fucking job so someone who will work hard at it can make some sort of living doing it.

however the american public as a whole is so used to having things handed to them on a silver platter that if they arent coddled every step of the way they take offense to it. John Q. Public has just become a product of its environment. people are like water in that we take the path of least resistance. its human nature to want the easy way out and rather figure something out for ourselves we pass the buck to someone else to do it for us…