Why do people need others to hold their hand?

Don’t forget to collect UI and SSI :number1


You know it’s funny how you say that the other side is lazy and that you have worked hard to get to where you are at and work all these long hours by yourself…

And then you go and fight for the position where you want everything to be done and handed to you, for you.

I guess that’s the goal. Eventually some will get there and others will always be working for the person that got there.

That isnt at all what he’s saying, but that was a grade A word twist ya done there.

Definitely a good one, lol. But, not every customer service person making crap for pay is complaining about it. Some people are good with it and others can’t stand it. Maybe it’s envy because you know the jackass asking where the bathroom is has already gotten “there” or maybe you just don’t care or maybe you just feel like making life more interesting, lol.

Like Chris said, If I’m holding one back and the bathroom is not in immediate, plain sight, I’m asking, leaving you with two choices-

1)Tell me where it is


2)Clean up a TurboTravis size shit off your floor

And as far as the pumps go, some are not labeled clearly.

With all that said though, I’m a very self-supporting person and get irritated at people that don’t even ATTEMPT to figure out something themselves in a situation where that is the norm (finding something in Wal-Mart, etc)

edited for posterity.

Def agree on that one. Walmart enthusiasm FTL for the most part.

In my situation it’s clearly labeled and it takes longer to approach cashier and ask, then to twist your head and look.

In 99FRC’s world, it’s perfectly normal to approach an employee in Walmart and just have them as your personal guide throughout the day to find everything you need in the store, because, well that’s what they are there for. :ponder

Not counting the fact that often taking an employee away to find something that is out in the isle and is labeled causes lines to happen and force the people who did find everything by themselves to wait longer because you were too stupid to do it yourself.

My shits are over the water level most of the time, double-triple flushing is the norm.

Oh, Vlad, when I worked at Colgan, you probably rang me up countless times, ha. Who was the tall, skinny, cracked out kid that worked there? Was that Failvis?


I may have, I know a bunch of guys from there, good crew.

You may be thinking of Dan, Jay, Dayton or one of the overnight kids.

Description fits all of them :lol

If you know Tim Kelly, Shawn Krutz, Brian Dusaauet (sp) or Phil DeSeve, tell him Travis said hi.

im with you vlad, people are dumb. I worked my 6 years of my “working life” (16-22) in a discount retail store which we carried mostly building materials and other misc. things. I was asked the stupidest questions on a regular basis, used to piss me off so much. There were times where we wouldnt carry an item and i felt as if i were a google search site because the person would ask me who would carry it, if i actually answered them then i would have to tell them where that store was located, how to get there, what the price might be and so on and so on. I will forever be scarred from retail work. Thankfully i have graduated and moved on and it feels amazing. I feel as if everyone should work retail atleast once in there life, they people will understand why they dont get the service that they are looking for.

Right there with ya.

my point,


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dont worry vlad is a nazi who is way overqualified for his job, so this kinda stuff happens


i walk into your mobil to goto the bathroom on the way to cp alot.

Ive asked walmart employee’s where shit is before. Sometimes ya just dont have the time to bullshit around and go through isle and isle to find something. Plus, they get PAID for doing their JOB, which is customer service.

thats ridiculous, but asking where something is isnt imo.