Why do people need others to hold their hand?

I went to Vlads Mobil once. I could not find the restroom.

I pissed on the floor.

Asking where something is when it’s clearly labeled and in plain site is.

F$#ckit, at Walmart I’d ask too about the bathroom, but where my problem comes in is that I’m sure there are people that require you to walk with them to every item.

There is a point where customer service stops, yes there is. It’s at the point where all the tools are provided and are given to the consumer to self serve.

Once and only once the consumer for some reason fails or is unable to follow the directions and hints given due to disability and similar is interference from a clerk is necessary.


  1. The customer is always right.

  2. When the customer is wrong refer to rule #1.

I still remember that when i was a overnight manager at rotterdam store… place SUCKED to work for.

adam :rofl

I believe you have my stapler?!?!?

Not when there is no commission involved.

Im coming in, and asking every stupid question I can think of now :lmao

I’m going to tell you to go see if the outer side of the door looks the same as the inner.

Edit : why force yourself to think? Just do what comes natural to ya :tongue

:lol heller did that to me once :cry:

Oh no u didnnnnt! :rofl

I only read the first sentence… but I will totally agree just on that statement :thumbup

vlad i think part of the problem is because we live in the shittyest state in the US where everyone is an asshole due to said state of our state.

thats one of the main reasons i dont work for U-Haul anymore… customers liked to ask stupid questions like where are your boxed located? ummmm u walked right next to them as u walked in the door, if they asked for a specific i wouldnt hesitate and help, but to just ask in general… or if i knew the size, look at the damn sign right in front of them!!!


Rent it, watch it and you will see the truth!

I see it every day too. But lets flip the tables.

How about the dumb fucks that call people for help but think they know how to fix it on their own? I have been an IT tech for over 5 years now. I deal with everyone from your little old granny who doesnt know how to turn on the PC to CIO level people. I see the same shit come from both of them. Either they know they need help, shut their mouths, and just answer my questions and let me fix their problems, OR they spew needless bullshit about how they did this that and the other thing to try to fix the problem and it didnt work, or the best one “Well I already know what is wrong with it, why dont you just fix it for me???” Well if you already know whats wrong then why the fuck did you call me for help? You know damn well you dont know what the problem is, or your just too fucking lazy to fix it, what one is it?

I absolutly love the chances I get to fuck with people too. Dont get me wrong, i dont cross that line to where I can get fired for something, I just do it in a way that gets my points accross and puts them back into their place… and I get my job done.

Simple example. I have many tools to connect to your machine or gather information about what your doing without you even knowing, or telling me anything.

I got a call about someones account being locked out contantly. It goes through our level one tards and it goes to me to fix. She logges on a laptop over VPN. it works for a few minutes after they changed her password then it stopps working. I look up the bad password attempts, when they were made, how many and more importantly WHAT COMPUTER it is comming from. Turns out she left her desktop pc at the office logged in, (security violation) and took the laptop to go on the road to work for a week. She blew the password in the VPN which locked the account the first time. Level one tards dont take the time to research the issue and change the password and unlock the account. All the while the workstation is still logged in with her old password.

so I figure this out and ask her did you log off your machine at the office befor you went home? She said yes of course, I turned it off. Well I already pinged the machine and see that it is still up, and PSlogged on is a command to show who is logged on remotely, yep she still is. I remote desktop to it and guess what it is still sitting at the desktop! I ask here again, are you sure you turned it off, becasue I can still see it is on. She back tracks a little and said well I dont remember, I think I may have just logged off this time. I say, well no, you didnt you logged in that machine 3 days prior at thsi exact time, and it doesnt show any log off at all after that. so not only does she not turn the machien off but she doesnt log off either. I explaine how the machine being left logged on is using the old password and that the new one we reset you to conflcts and keeps locking you out. I shut down the machine, so come next log on, she will be hosed for a while, installing updates, Anti virus defs, and running a full scan. lol that will teach her.

Long story short, again, answer my fucking simple questions first. If you said, nope I forgot to log off, and didnt lie to me becasue you know do did something against security policies, I would have gotten to the bottom of this much faster.

Or the people that call for help, but are apart of another IT group. They want to sound smart and tell me that my troubleshooting isnt going in the right direction. Many times, I can corner them and ask a simple question and they straight lie to you. Not only can you hear it in their voice, but I have data to back up their lies. I like digging that stuff up and throwing it back at them.

sounds EXACTLY like what an old boss of mine would do to people. nothing like putting someone on the spot and watching them try to sidestep the bullshit they just got themselves into. :lmao

lol at vlad giving the guy 4.99 the other day. ***** got MAD!

I love givin retail people a hard time.

like amit…dood its at the roost i dont know what to tell ya.

retail, dont work it

Retail people, dont like them

x2 i hate the pushy retail people…i worked retail for a few years and couldnt stand being “that douchebag” who wont leave you alone. I used to get bitched out about it all the time but they loved me and would never fire me :haha