Why does my third gear suck?

I disagree, like i said previously my 3rd gear is the bomb diggety

get 3rd gear tuned lol

3rd gear on my ka is good? Its the bomb diggetyy

well i dont know

buy an sr will fix all issues lol

my sr s 3rd gear made me feel like i was standing still lol

yea its unloading in third, thers a huge hole in the map

^^Couple more Milliseconds and you’ll do 9’s

3rd gear is the holy shit gear for me. 2nd goes to 120 roughly, and I have no idea how far 3rd will go. Shift into 3rd at 7,000RPM and you can feel a jolt of torque shoot the car forward as it propels down teh path to madness. An RB25/26 will bring life to your 3rd gear.

for me 4th feels stupid fast… Ive run a few crs on the highway… 3rd I pull on them always but once I jam 4th Im gone…

so what you guys sain rb26 is better then vq35??

I would say so. Smokey Nagata couldn’t build the VQ35 as well as he could build an RB26. Only time will tell if that changes, however, he’s definitely one of the most capable guys when it comes to that stuff.

^^ rb25 Can’t hold a Candle to a 1.3l ^-^ Oh noes did i say it, maybe next time u can keep up God i cant wait for the spring

So should I go KA-T or SR, maybe even RB.

fc lol who is this takashi ryouske :smiley:
well vq35 is still a young motor. smokey is somone ill never get to c in my life. so yeah i guess 5.6 is the key then :smiley:

I’m not insane enough to try and follow your line on my first run. I saw what happened to another member. It"ll even out more over time.

He is a real life Takeshashi Ryosuke, that’s the thing. You’ve got a date with a death wish to hang with him.

stop shifting into 5th gear and calling it 3rd gear geeeeezzzz

so sonfc is a dude who will trick you into following his lane? and end up making others crash?

oh man… i can c my car after my first track day already lol lol lol where dat damn zip ties. :smiley:

ps: lol at nitescream with his 5th gear coment lol

lmfao thread is not win.

the best line is always an aggressive line. Some people can stick to it, some can’T-whether it’s a lack of skill or tuning. There’s no trickery or anything. He’s really good on the pedals. Like I have said else where, a secon spent braking improperly will cost you with a slower entry and exit speed which adds up.

Hahaha Zip ties won’t save you when its all guard rails Ask Nick…

Feint next time you ride in my car lol hopefully i’ll have my coilovers on and better brake pads lol