Why driving a skyline in toronto owns everything

bump for DJ pyro… keeps it real…like a realist…racism is human nature…sad but true…
bump for Osad…he’s a Jew too, his opinion really counts here…pretty perceptive of the open window thing!
bump for Cal-soy…douche bag style driving women…lol

Ismo dude take it easy you gotta learn to chill a bit.
this oversensetive waaay far end liberalism is goona get you an ulcer.
besides your really starting to come off like an ass…LET IT GO

I got tired of reading the posts here but let me say this.
When I started on TNC I had a conflict on the boards with DJPyro. We didn’t have too many obvious indications on the boards however I sent him a PM to find out what was up and why we weren’t getting along. We talked it out, and it seems that after our talk, without agreeing to this, we stayed out of each others ways on the boards. He came to a few meets, we talked a bit and now we’re amazing friends. I can chill around him and feel comfortable without any question and know that he’s got my back… the sign of a true friend.

The same thing should extend to everyone that is on thread that is currently in a fight. People might make fun of TNC because they’re jealous of the friendships that we have here. I honestly don’t even pay attention to any other GTA or Ontario boards. They’re a waste.

Point is, PM is key. Settle your disputes by PM. The first step is to state you’re done posting on a thread.

ladies needed to be trated with respect. (for Ex. REFER TO AVATAR <—) but in that case that’s what happened cuz she started it. and who knows maybe she had a spare key or if the other doors were open? besides cops will laugh at you silly for not taming a woman because they dont believe that you could be abused by them in the first place. you get the point? they have more rights. and by nature we should be able to handle them… what happened though was funny. nice sory.:smiley:

just chill out dudes… handle them misunderstandings like a mature ppl and talk it out. were here to be the nissan comunity not to step on each other.

you dont need too much of your ego when you post guys.

shit guys, I think we need a dance-off to see who wins the morales vs. morales argument.