Why no one organize something like this locally??

All you need is a mid size empty field and a cheap kart. Quality racing for like $300 bucks…:excited:excited:excited


I could if someone wanted to buy carts.

I have a cart…

Want to race yourself? :rofl

Just man up and lets have some fun. You’re pretty local to the garage too. :ahh

I could find a decent amount of land to fuck off on actually. If we don’t have anything on the farm I’m sure I could find someone who does. If enough people wanted to make something happen I could look around for land.

i would absolutly be down i used to work on gokarts with littke honda 9 horse

Those are some nasty carts.

becasue wayne would always win and singh would just crash everyone.


One more money pit idea I dont need. thanks alot.

2 or 3 years ago i use to have a go-kart. me and a bunch of friend would stud them up and run them on the ice.
Vlad their use to be a track very close to your shop, before my go kart days some of my friends had karts with snowmobile engines.

shot of the ice, we usually ran quads but the go-karts were still a blast

Karts you say?