why? that is all

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S95Mh4-BX8&feature=player_embedded”]YouTube - Beezy’s new lambo chain (rich nigga shit pt6)[/ame]

“they should have never gave you nigga’s money” i couldnt have said it better

and WHY? because he is a fuckin nigger

you win quote of the day!

That’s 3 minutes of my life I aint gettin’ back. What a fukkin tool.

That dude might make the shittiest music ever made, and look how he’s rewarded…

^where do i sign up ?

Turn on the radio, listen to 10 minutes of 96.1 and 106.7.

In this 10 minute period, it will become apparent to you that SHIT SELLS. The shittier the music is, the more airtime it gets, and more people that like it. That’s what it’s come down to - shit sells these days. That’s how things like this video happen. People are getting crazy rich off of selling repetitive, talentless, brain-dead garbage.

…there are no more babies to punch.

Money? Looks like a $89 motel he is staying in with a jacuzzi room.

I suddenly want to kill something. Bad.

that right there is why people stereotype blacks.

I blame white people for buying his crap

x2 ^

yep, it sucks. worst part is, it still will sell.