Why your coworkers suck: Things that aggrivate you about the workplace.

That’s why guys like me and you get along brah, we don’t live to work, we work to live.

This. People wonder how I can hold down such a boring job and start work at 6 am every morning. But it gets me out at 2 every day allowing me to have lots of daylight to do the things I wanna do.

I hate people who take things too seriously.

My boss had me empty the giant ass garbage bin outside our office yesterday. he told me via email. I did it and sent him this email:

Here is the garbage can prior to this email:

(picture of full garbage can)

And here is the garbage can after the email:

(picture of empty trash can)

He apparently didn’t find it very funny. He replies with

Can you please focus you attention on more productive things than sending these types of emails.”


Funny thing is I sent it while I was off the clock (I work til 3, I sent it at like 305). People just can’t take a damn joke anymore…he told me to take tomorrow off too because theres not dick to do around here. Funny how I get bitched at for coming in 3mins late a few times in the past and making last minute schedule changes (which I did like 2 or 3 times due to emergency reasons), but it’s okay for them to make changes without advance notice. :retardclap:Idiots

:lmao :lmao

shitty bosses FTL 2 out of my 3 are great, the other one… :gay

I hate when people contradict themselves.

and fucking PROVE IT

Not say one thing and do another and lie about it :facepalm

Thanks for making this thread!!!

One of my coworkers wasn’t even interviewed for the job and she got it. She got the job because my boss felt sorry for her. No one else was allowed to apply and I wasn’t promoted after working here for 3 years.

A new coworker is an idiot!

My boss is a moron and he sexually harasses me and my other coworker all the time by looking at our boobs (or as we like to say padded bras because we don’t have boobs). The worst part is that we don’t have an HR department to complain to.

My boss constantly clicks his pen and smacks his gum. Oh and he sings the name game song (banana fanna fo fanna).

The girl who didn’t interview for the job hums/sings all the time!!

I’m seriously (ok not really) going to go on a killing spree. (really I’m not going to. I’m not violent)

F my job.

pics or ban

I vote…

Real life ban looks a lot more painful than real life neg rep. :ohnoes

My co-workers are cool. The fucking end users are the retards. Example from friday.

Lady calls in and wants us to help them plug in the state pcs into the old county network drops in the building. I tell her they need to get a contractor in to trace the wires, becasue we dont support anything past the switches in a building… let alone the county equiptment it is plugged into currently. Ticket gets closed. Ticket comes back in the afternoon. She says to me, "It isnt hard to do, all the wires already come into the “Server room”. I say I understand that, but out of the 1000 wires, which ones do you think go into the cubicles you plan on pluggin a pc into??? "Well, it shouldnt be hard, they allready are plugged into the “servers”… A rack of switches, routers and punch down blocks she thinks is a “Server”. I tell her again, do you see labels on the wires, I told you already you have to “trace the wires” with a tone generator. Her next reply is the best… “You dont know what you are talking about, it cant be that hard, everything is already here all you have to do is plug it back in”

I reply back, “It is obvious that you dont know what you need accomplished, nore do you know what is actually involved in the process. Please speak to your building supervisor as I suggested to you already. I am closing the ticket, becsue we dont support what you are requesting.”

She was bent, and asked for my supervisor. My supervisor, said, well you really dont know what you are talking about, and you should contact your building supervisor. LOL


Once a week, i am told I dont know what I am doing. ROFL Mute button is the best!

^^^ hahaha, awesome





New one on the list…

Ring tone DJ’s. These guys have been playing every ring tone in their iPhones for the past 30 minutes as loud as they can play them.

“ringtone DJ’s” hahaha, thats great! :lol

One of my coworkers hit me with that “Stealth Tone” thing. Came up behind me and hit it while I was talking to a customer… It drives me batshit crazy. I took his iPhone and locked it up.

Wait what is going on here? Tones? I blast pandora all day long, take that for tones!

whats a stealth tone?

One of the guys left tacos in the fridge and i ate them, it was a horrible idea.

DAMNIT DJ, now i want tacos!