widebody gto

orange > black



orange is fcking tits :tup:

yea, the orange goat is definately hot :tup: :slight_smile:

that is one pissed off grand pricks


yeah they orange is hot. Where did i see that before…

prolly one of my posts … as a photshop . notice my vesion has the classic coke bottle shape to it, along with larger hood scoops



let the past rest…i hate retro stylin

whyis this off topic?

So do I… the Mustang looks like shit
the Chevy HHR looks like a bigger piece of shit.
hopefully the new Camaro wont look like retro ass

but I think this looks awesome:

Way cooler the the “beat to death” grand prix look
This car has personality. The GTO makes me want to go sleepie.

holy fucking hottness

IIRC that was a PR car done up by GM, I think there was a blue colorado that was built as well.

still, love that look.

You can’t really compare the orange to the black.

Ofcourse, the orange will look better, the black is no where near as wide.

thats what GM should have done in the first place

true. this is what is known as “unfeasible for production.” the goat is already a pretty wide-tracked car (no pun, it is), and if there was any thought of selling the a flared car in a european market, well, say goodbye to that.

would be nice if GM made bucks of those fenders and offered them through their performance rag. I could see a lot of LS1/2 owners wanting to go to a wider tire for drag - something a lot of serious goat owners probably do.


I like hotrodkid’s version better? :tup:

that shit is hottt!!! i like the front end

I find it amusing that GM can make a car sooo different, yet it looks damn near the same. If you burned it in a fire it might look cooler…