Will going down .1" exhaust piping diameter....cause bottlenecking?


I LOVE Apex-i World Sport II, exhausts. They look awesome, and sound even better.

On the hatch I currently have a 2.5" Downpipe, cat, and catback exhaust…to some huge ricer ebay cannon.

Well, the wonderful exhaust, is now rusting.

So, after doing some swindling with my buddy, and I am essentially getting a brand new WSII full catback exhaust.

Here lies the problem.

The current exhaust has a piping diameter of 2.5".

The WSII exhaust has a piping diameter of 60mm. Or 2.36" for all you yankees.

If i bolt this .1" smaller catback exhaust on tomorrow, am I going to see a loss in power? Am I going to see a change in powerband? Is the exhaust going to be “bottle necking”?

I already talked to a few people, and they said .1" is not going to make me gain, nor lose power…especially with only my 14b/16g hotside combo.

Howster, said I might see a slight change in powerband…w/e thats fine. Aslong as I don’t have to listen to that blaster cannon anymore.

I just don’t want to get a large loss in power, and have the exhaust “bottleneck”…but with it only being a catback, and not the downpipe…i don’t see such a big deal.

And this kid on D-Series.org, said his WSII has a lot of deadening material in it, and all the carbon build-up has cause a lot of back pressure. :wtf:
Let me know boys.

bump fuckers.

holy shit.

quit reading about detailing and muscle cars.


You may barely see a loss in hp, but minimal if any.

.5" is a big difference, .1" is not.


(2.5/2 ) * (2.5/2) * 3.14 = 4.9ish…
(2.36/2) * (2.36/2) *3.14 = 4.3ish…

(4.3/ 4.9) * 100 = 87%

so thats 13% less area (providing if you are thinking of air as slices), for exhaust to go through… I am gonna stop there cause I hated Thermo and I Don’t remember all of it

3.14 / 4.9 * 100 = 64%

difference making the .1 a 1/3 of a big difference

ok awesome.

cause i’ll sacrifice a good sound, and better looks for a couple HP.


thanks buddy

with the amount of power u make with the .1 less it will flow the same i would think. ull never notice a difference

u fuggin bitch.

why i oughta…

come in and buy another bike, or atleast visit you :slight_smile:

its a D series

Q: Whats worse than owning a d-series?

A: Being in Uncle Ben’s

Bill’s car lost 20whp when he put the sticker on his car, no joke…

I’d say go for the WS2. It’s hot as hell and like Bill said, you probably won’t even notice any difference. I was looking into that and the RS*R ExMag for my Integra both are awesome exhausts.

sig worthy.

I would say don’t risk the power loss

and sell the exhaust to me.

buy my old exhaust. cheap


Yeah I’m picking up the WS2 fo sho, and my buddy is picking up the RS*R for his Civic SI.


just up the boost a PSI or 2…WS2 is pimp…i had and still is on my white maxima…

beck, did you not read this post?

13% less area

the WS isnt going to be any mroe quiet that the current far cannon.
you’re a retard for wanting to go with a smaller exhaust on a turbo car that you want to put a bigger turbo on and turn the boost up more on.
go 3" and stop being a fucking retard

:word: lol let him do what he wants :tup:

it wil give him a better exhausr Note though…i think thats what he is trying to get at

by definition, no you wouldn’t be “bottlenecking”. Obviously, you’re restricting the flow though.

FI Cars… one of the important things to do is get the exhaust gasses the hell out of there. With this, i say go bigger.

To re-word this in terms you may be able to understand. It’s the difference between a 15yr old vagina and 30yr old vagina. Viewing it this way, i can see why you would choose the smaller exhaust.