Will we get the ice storm today?

I was too lazy to go look it up on NOAA’s site because their search sucks.

I can her a generator running when I stand out on my deck. Not a whole lot of ice though, just a glaze on the trees/power lines.

Rar, just went out on my break to scrape my car off and my ice scraper broke :frowning:

Am/ton was getting a nice freezing rain bukake when I left the gym an hour ago. :zong:

Got a bit of a break right now but there is a ton more still heading this way.


Think I’ll set the cell phone alarm clock just in case we lose power over night.

the radar trend looks like we are going to get rocked in an hour or so, and it looks like it is going to last all night long… should be an interesting event…

Ruh roh. I’ve seen the lights blink twice in the last 5 minutes. :ohnoes:

Only thing the radar can’t tell you is what that precip is coming down as. Snow/Sleet and it’s not a problem. If it’s freezing rain with the wind we’re getting it could be a big problem.

FUCK… the lights just dimmed here. I do not want to drag my generator out tonight.

At least with Dish I’ll still have TV even when I’m on generator power. I had adelphia during the Oct storm and even when I powered up the Adelphia box their signal was down because of the power outage at the pole.

in for the lights blinking crowd :confused:

So don’t. Just huddle up with the wife and make another insert-your-daughter’s-name-here :hump:

That would be a great plan, except no heat and an 11 month old kid in the house isn’t real cool. If the lights go out I will be dragging out the generator. That and the wifey is back on the pill because kids are way too expensive to have close together. Besides that, two car seats in the GTO would be a huge PITA. :lol:

Plus I’m not sure how much water is coming into the sump pit right now. Shouldn’t too much since it’s below freezing.

no blinking lights in north buffalo, even with the sub par above ground electrical infrastructure :slight_smile:

:lol: So practice?

Back at the october storm I bought one of those DC pump/trickle charger kits and a boat battery. Now I’ve got 2 pumps in my sump well in case the power goes out or the old one gives up the ghost. I’d consider it a pretty good investment for anyone in this area. Kept me from having to bail when we didn’t have power for a week.

I have a battery backup sump pump…

Sitting in my garage waiting for me to install it. :frowning:

Not a big deal since I have a generator and I’d need to fire it up for heat tonight anyway.


Then again, all of our shit got replaced last october. We were in one of the hardest hit (most downed lines) areas.

And, I’m about 1 mile from Fry.

OH, and in the driveway there is at least 1/2" of compacted sleet / ice on top of the ~1" of snow’ish that fell.


Word? Good. If I lose heat I’m gonna come over to spoon. :tup:


WOOT i hope the power goes down!

Why you want in? I call the middle!

Major power flicker here. Dish receiver blanked out, TV reset, over let out it’s power failure tone.

Came right back on though.

Getting a bad feeling I won’t be posting much longer.

Thank God. :picard: