Will we get the ice storm today?

iv been having power flickers all night, im gonna be pissed if it goes out now, cuz rob and big just came on.

Had the same problem in Wheatfield with power. Really sucked when i got out of driving school and destroyed my 40 dollar snow brush(well the ice chipper).

:tup: You can cuddle with dana, she’s like an electric blanket.

my girlfriend lives in Sloan and she just lost power

And to think, I was going to offer you two the spare bedroom.

Now you can either freeze or get the surprise buttsecks from Nick.

its okay, i got the anti-aids gene.

and a huge super comfy couch they can crash on.

2nd much larger wave should be rolling in from south to north in the next 15 minutes or so:


I’m heading to bed and hoping I don’t get woken up by the oven’s power failure tone.

This shit’s weak thus far :tdown:

I do not want to go to school tomorrow. 20 cent wings and a few sam adams didn’t sit too well with me tonight :frowning:

shit was blowing up near main/transit… watched a pole/line do some major arching… about 7 times in 10 minutes… LOUD…

its comming down pretty good now, freezing rain/ hail and iv been watching the guys at the county salt barns next door load the trucks up for the past couple hours.

Fredonia is getting it pretty hard right now.

Fun leaving the gym, and then again to drop a computer off. Scrapie, scrapie. :slight_smile:

me and mindless drifted half way down union road, haven’t seen any cool exploding shit though :tdown:

yea… the salte trucks are out in full force, i live right off the 33 and can watch them fill up and come down oak

its good because my road is always salted, but at the same time, its over salted because theres trucks constantly in and out. but come spring time, my road is the best for cruising, virtually no potholes, its resurfaced almost every 2 years and many members can vouch for it, i see cruises allllllllll the time go by.

I just called my office and the phones are down! It is right on the sloan border of cheektowaga. The only time the phones go down is if there is total power loss.


spread that shit to OP within the next 4-6 hours and im a happy camper

lol i would be excited about a power outage, but i had to deal with it all last night. i woke up and it was back on, if it goes out tonight, im gonna be pissed.

I watched some of the brightest blue explosions ever tonight.

roads are heavily salted in town of niagara.
the town pays wayyyy to much tax to not have perfect roads.
We even have to have a permit to change a broken window in our house For the Loss.