Will we get the ice storm today?

am i the only one that cant sleep cuz this is driving me nuts

start a poll?

lmao. “is this weather preventing anyone else from sleeping”

a. yes i cant stand it
b. no, fuck you and your stupid poll, put a pillow over your head or die
c. bacon!

Damn the radar is all red over G.I. but still have power.Could care less about heat As I have a nice vent free downstairs but fishies need their pumps on to breathe.

i agree sounds like f***** rice crispies on my window

fucking power is out in most of cheektowaga from what I seen driving.

yup. basically sounds like a giant bowl of rice crispies. kinda creepy.

im suprised i still have power… my old apt never lost power, october storm i had power and TV… since i bought this fuckin house, everytime the wind blows i loose power.

eh,nothing good comes out of cheektowaga

no college pleasee, i have the flu and a mid term today… hamburgs school are all close so hopefully hilbert will close


Woohoo… power stayed on all night.

And driving to work sideways was a blast. :tup:

Did you see me or something? I know you can’t be talking about yourself because you’re a mod and mod’s don’t know how to do zee slideways.

N.Forest was at a standstill. I eventually gave up, did the 180, and took Maple to Millersport.

I didn’t say it was a good sideways. More like the rear wheels slipped and I giggled like a girl. :uhh:

Too heavy to shovel type of snow :tdown: I guess I’ll just wait for the weather to shovel my driveway.


went to bed early, slept right through it, woke up to an inch or so of gay snow. whoop de do.

If I’m at work today, shit was weak.
I’m at work.

Truth. The power was out at the office last night, I called in at 6:30 and the system picked up :gay:

I broke two ice scrapers this morning trying to get what was at least 1/2 inch sheet of ice off my car before I was off to school. :tdown: