Wilson Circuit TT #2 - 9/2

I was up there the other night for a different event, and did the short-course at Wilson in the carts and it was a blast. I didn’t know they ran cars on there, that has to be a real kick in the pants.

Yea the karts up there rock. Though its a different feeling with the cars out there. Mainly because the elevation changes throw the cars around more. But the pre-entry list just broke 40 so this should be the biggest event we’ve had on the kart track so far!

The pre-registration deadline has been extended until 1am tonight. Please pre-register to avoid paying the late fee.

I think I posted it before, but here is the time schedule for the weekend for those who are going to watch. Some of the start times might have changed so if your entered just look this over real fast.

Saturday, September 1, 2007
(note: an SCR tnt will be happening on the VDA on Saturday)
5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Registration at the Track
5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Tech Inspection at the Track

Sunday, September 2, 2007
7:00 A.M. to 8:30 AM. Late Registration and Tech in pit area.
8:30 A.M. Novice Meeting (MANDATORY for anyone not at the June event!)
9:00 A.M. Driver’s Meeting MANDATORY FOR ALL
~9:30 A.M. to ~1:30 P.M. Practice by groups
~1:30 P.M. to 6 P.M. Competition by groups

Do we as drivers have to come up on saturday for registration and tech inspections between 5-6?

No its just gives drivers a optional time, plus it saves us time in running the event on Sunday morning. Tech and Registration will be open on Sunday as mentioned. Everything we’ve been trying to do is to allow the maximum amount of time (even the early ass start time lol). We are only scheduled to do 4 total sessions, but if all goes well then we can tack more on. We have alot more people this time, but I have a pretty good feeling on making the 2 morning practice sessions and 3 competition sessions.

Yeah, I’m here now. Just joined the other day when Rpa was down all nite. Saw the site on someones car on Mcknight rd and decided to check it out.

I’ll see you there Chris! Gotta go replace a wheel stud and adjust the ride height.

Fun event! Enjoyed meeting other pittspeed members and thrashing some tires and brakes!

Wow guys what a great time, I really really enjoyed myself!!
For all those on the fences about trying this event…do it.
Lots of fun…I can’t wait for the events next year. I wish my
times were better but that’s the way it goes…I’ll be back next

Hey guys is there any websites with the published times?

Thanks for coming out Mike, glad you enjoyed it! First off the pictures are up!


Results are up here.

I’ll post video as it trickles in. I had video from my own car, but it got deleted. Overall the event was a success for us. Few little bugs we have to work out, but nothing major. Looking to have another two next year. Hopefully we can try to piggy back them off the SCCA club races on the North course. Then we can split some cost with them and hopefully run the event for a little cheaper. Also maybe award some prizes for fastest FWD, RWD, AWD car, fastest overall (FTD), and maybe fastest street tire car who knows. But yea people are starting to talk about it now so thats a good thing :slight_smile:

I took about 250 pictures between the Wilson Track event and the bike racing on the big track. Processing the photos now, will have them hosted and in this thread by tomorrow evening at the latest. Awesome time guys, I will have to enter next time.

Also made it over to the big track to snap some pics of the bikes while you guys were having your driver’s meeting…

Now please remember, I took a little over 250 pictures. I was unable to stay the whole event, I left about half way through, I did not get to see the actual competition. I tried to post everyone’s car, I have more pics of each car also. If anyone wants a higher res pic of any of the cars, or wants more pics posted of their car, post a reply or shoot me a PM.

Dude. why did you stop posting? lol. I linked some of your pics over on RacePA so some of those people raced that day could see them. If you want to upload them to autoxphotos.com just message me I’ll get you setup. 250 pictures is nothing to host.

damn Howard, nice pics. Now where’s the pic i made you take of the girl 3 miles away so i could see if we should move? haha

I want to thank Howard (Subyboyrs) for getting up at 5:40 in the morning on his day off to come up and take some amazing pics (as always) of the event. I really appreciate it…and I know alot of the guys at the event will also.

killer pix cuz, maybe next time i wont still be drunk and 5:40 in the morning and join you…doubt it but maybe :kekegay:

Totally awesome!! Could you send me the pics of my POS? :slight_smile:

Some of the pics taken of the first cars out didn’t turn out as well as I expected.

Dane… I deleted the pic of that chick by the play ground… don’t know what I was thinking.

If you guys ever need a photographer at an event (meet or track day) let me know I’ll be glad to attend.

Here is some on-board from the black EVO. He’s definitely one of the faster guys out there. The video was from the morning practice so the early laps have some screw ups, but the last one was his fastest.

SubyBoyRS - Not to be selfish, but do you have any more pics of my car? It was #77 the black civic hatch. Your pics are killer I was just curious if you got any good shots of it in there. And yea if we ever have any more events like this they will definitely be posted on here. Next year if we do the time trial along side the SCCA club races there will be alot more eye candy rolling around.

Edit: You just posted more shots haha, thanks.

nice pics