Win the Lottery or free gas/food for life ?

I was just thinking about that, so I would go with free gas and food for life, because that would be awesome I spend so much on both it drives me crazy , winning the lottery is pretty dope but you could blow that out your ass…

free gas for sure cuz the money i won in the lotto would be gone quick

Its a tough decision. It all depends on how much the lotto is.
If it was something like 100 million Id definately take the money.

lotto son. give me the mega millions for like 160mil, id invest alot of it, and put the rest into a high yeild savings account off shores. cant invest free gas or food.

you could sell the free gas you get to peoeple cheap, and the food.

damn :stuck_out_tongue: u said that too early, oh well :smiley:

You guys plan to use more than $100 million + in gas and food? :wtf

Um, I’ll take the money and live large, instead of being up $750-1200/mo…

yea but saving on gas/food ud be up alot of cash also just not as much as the lotto

Word fuck that…If i won the lottery of like $160+ million, i wouldn’t give a fuck about gas prices and food expenses.

i’ll invest it in scatch off tickets that i always lose on :wtf

I was gonna say liek 1 million dollars in lotto, i kinda left that detail out LOL i said 1 million dollars on my forums so most people chose free gas /food

I would still pick the million, invest/save most of it and buy a house and a car with the rest= set for life. My mom and dad have been working for a combined 55 years and they have probably made like 1.5mil combined… so a million straight up isn’t bad.

yea not bad, but these days… this economy , would love to rest easy with free gas and food :slight_smile: straight up I wouldnt drive anything that got over 10mpg LOL

F650… ? :slight_smile: or how about some stupid ass shit 600+hp muscle all the time

fuck 1000whp supra neone lol

i’d want something absolutley outrageous.

gold burlap for your kids to wear?


Laminated paper plates.

yea yea yea :stfu

hmmm yea me too … hummer ? LOL j/k there is worse, I think that F650 is gotta be a great gassavur or that 1000whp suprah

wow, are you guys kidding me?

I’d choose the lotto even if it was only for a mil. Invest the mil, say you get a rate of return at 7.5%… thats 75K a year!!! Plus still work my reg job. I’d buy all the food and gas I want and still have a ton of cash left over. fools!