Windshield Resevoir

Well, my sister poured some windshield fluid into the car today… and it poured back out. Anyone know the price for one of these resevoirs and how hard it is to fix? My mom wants to to sell the car… but i dont want to:(

You can’t be serious… your mom wants to sell the car because the reservoir is leaking???

Put a post in the wanted to buy section. I’m sure you can get one for $50 or less.

Good luck.

i hope everyone has read this

Well that and the car reeks of gas. (leak somewhere much?) I’m a total newbie to cars, all i pretty much know how to do si rotate and balance tires:D
I guess Ill take it to a mechanic or somewhere and get some opinions on what’s wrong with teh car, and come back here to get some more help. Thanks for the quick reply btw.


the wipper tank is easy to get i gave mine to flying chicken for free. easy install to.

the fuel look in the trunk under the carpet.

theres a metal cap on the passenger side 4 bolts take them out and ull see the FSU if its soaked in gas its leaking they usealy do. i got a new one from a good man for 20 bucks.