Wine People: What's the oldest wine you ever had?

Weird thread for me to start, seeing as I’ve never had wine before, but I’m curious. There’s a bottle from 1992 in the kitchen at work. I googled it and it was almost 200 bucks.

Also… try to keep the “whine” jokes to a minimum.

Since i make my own, easy choice for me

you’ve never had wine you haven’t made?

yeah, but i rarely buy it, i usually drink my relatives homemade, not a big drinker

wine if not stored properly can turn to vinegar quite easily so if you pop it and it tastes like ass that might be why. depending on the type of wine the age dosen’t matter TOO much but more significantly if that year was a good batch however. Because older wines are more rare they go up in price so i normally don’t drink anything older then 5-10 years for finer wines.

If you’ve never had wine before don’t base them all off of 1 taste. every wine is different, even wines of the same types.

lol. i didn’t drink any. I’m not curious about how GOOD it is, just how OLD it was…

Haenszel’s pops sent us one from 1987, if I remember right.

Edit; Nope, 89.
1989 Chateau Haut Bages Liberal Pauillac

Oldest I ever had was a bottle of 1990 Dom that I had when I graduated from college.

Wine?? Thats what my wife drinks. You you guys thinK cran/vodka is gay. Wine is for Women,Homo’s, Overprivledged folks and posers.

an occasional glass when at the folks etc…etc… is ok, but generally GHEY

I got to open like 15 bottles from a collection. The oldest was from 1952 and it was by far the worst also.

1970 bordeaux something or other, $285 a bottle. Tasted like shit IMHO.

1937 J.J. Prum Trochenbaerenauslese Riesling and a couple mid '60’s Bordeaux.

meh in most cases the older the wine the stronger it gets in flavor which means after a while it’ll either taste like syrup or vinegar. either one is horrible though.

1988 Wachenheimer Goldbachel Beerenauslese. It was stored properly but was still all thickened and honey-like. Really gross.
Next oldest, and the best i’ve had, is 2001 Karthäuserhof riesling. In 2003 i was getting it for $10/bottle at premier. Now, IF i can find it, it’s well over 50/bottle. lame.

when I was in London there was a Napoleon era magnum and the wine was 3000 British Pounds per glass. I did not order a glass…


wow youre a faggot

and cran vodka is suuuuuper gay. white wine is not very manly, red wine is super manly. god. fucking homo.

and the oldest bottle of wine ive ever had was a 1984 merlot we stole from haenzel’s dad’s basement when we were 15

Meh. I like wine but I’m far from a connoisseur. Just give me something dry and red and I’m happy. Save the expensive shit for someone who’d appreciate it.

Scotch on the other hand, well, I’ve never had more than like 10 year old but that I could appreciate. :slight_smile:

wop :slight_smile:

i agree!!!


i think it was a 1915 or a 1918

at a prime price of 1300 a bottle