Wings over Pittsburgh

I was looking for pics of point state park today for a friend who’s never seen it, and I ran across something that said that “wings over pittsburgh” flies over the point? Is that still the case? What time is this usually? My best friend is coming up today from Newport News, VA and we are surprising her and her boyfriend by getting 2 rooms for the 4 of us at the Hilton on Sat night so we can show them the town in style. I just wondered if they really do fly over the point…cause that would be kick ass for them to see. They’ve never been to pgh before…thanks…

it’s about 20 miles from the airport, some of the planes doing flybys could quite easily make it that far east when waiting for there turn to come up… it would be between a 5-10 minute flight between point state park and the airport

not sure if they fly over the point, Usually they just fly over sewickley.moon twp, cory, neville isalnd, findlay, robinson.

some of the planes don’t land at the airport and come from other locations, soo it’s possible one or two could fly over anywhere, but either way, i don’t think anything at the point is going to be an offical part of the show

They fly off from the AFB. assuming they have thier own runway.

The Reserve Base uses the same runways as Pittsburgh International. They basically shut down 1/2 of the airport for the show. I believe 10L/28R is the only runway open for traffic during the show.

The Tbirds fly fast, but there’s no way their turns take them out over the city.

Learn something new today :beer:

bastically the airforce base is just like another set of buildings on airport property, without the military stuff showing, you wouldn’t really realize it was a military base

here’s another bit of trivia i bet you didn’t know, the one long runway at pittsburgh international is an alternative landing strip for the space shuttle


show is saturday and sunday 9-5

come out and join us

i am the air show grounds coordinator for the event!

yeah thats my base…pittsburgh reserve unit…wings over pittsburgh is our air show at the base. we do city flyovers for the home openrs of the pirates…right nowmostof us are deployed, like me, buti thinkits still going this yr…buti guess spinster is working it…so ask him,

I get to sit on the othere side and watch it! Much better!

i took a couple vids of the planes from 1st-try today…

didnt get the 4 planes that passed directly over the building like 1000 yards from the ground lol, shook everything tho :smiley:

I’d rather watch grass grow and paint dry.

it was pretty neat tho

yeah for a minute, then it gets old like a hooker in the front seat.

[thanks for everyone that showed up and especillay thanks for those that lend me a hand

It was a great show. I was there both days with the kids.

Can you try to get 3-4 more shows/year? Once a year is not enough. :smiley:

i watched it from my house on sunday while packing up the car… definitely cool!

hahah id think id be dead!
well we are kepping are fingers crossed that we will be able to have one next year!

hopefully this year wont be the last of wingsoverpittsburgh