Winter Driving

Hey guys, I’m planning on putting my car back on the road, due to problems finding rides to get to and from school and such.

What do you guys winter driving your cars, Especialy S-Chasis owners winter driving, do to your car to prevent rust over the winter. I don’t think I ave much to worry about since theres only a few more weeks of winter left, but is there any special chemicals or something you spray to elp prevent rust, or how do you go about washing your car and such

Thanks in advance

Rustproof and winter tires.

rust proof it and you should be fine

How often should I wash it, someone told be not to was it cause it willrust faster, and i onno just curious what everyone else thinks

wash it every week just to get salt off the car. Not washing it will make it rust even faster.

i dont think the car will rust faster if you wash it every week to two weeks maybe… but like it was mentioned from previous posts, just rust proof it and grab some winter tires then your set and ready to roll

Yea, I always thought the more you wash the better cause your removing the salt…
Thanks guys for confirming everyting

that whole washing thing… salt is activated by warm/hot water, so if you leave your car outside in the cold you wont have problems(or if paranoid just rinse it off) BUT if you garage store it and you garage is warm WATCHOUT! the snow will melt and activate the rust to eat your car at doubletime

So, if its in my driveway in the cold and just spray it with a hose to rinse it off when its really dirty i should be fine?

Yeah your fine, like said before dont let it see massive changes in temperature and your golden

LOL. “Should I winter drive or not”

Take a look at the framerails of 99% canadian s13 for your answer.

Jesse… Hold up a few more weeks… Seriously… Winter is done, just hold off for now…

And if you do drive your car… You’re gay :slight_smile:

don’t do it!

Lmfao thans for the support guys

People drive super expensive cars in winter why should i be so scarred over a cheap 180sx

I plan on taking good care of it, i still have to put it back together, maybe winte will be over by then

i did Krown rustproof (they are good!) and go to the coin op car wash and blast under my car and in all the seams etc… really man hold off if you can the salt gets into your window seals and shit its gonna take time for all of that to clean out of my car in the summer.

salt is evil man, dont do it!
that shit really digs into everywhere and fucks shit up

Just undercoat it and you’ll be fine… Winters don’t kill cars, it’s people who don’t maintain them that do. Wash it once a week (not the chassis, only body) and undercoat it every 6 months and you’ll be good.