Winter Holiday Party

…which may cut down on stupidity :smiley:

than whats the point of going?


i think something like this is great. Here is my biggest problem. There is alot of work and organization to make something like this go down. And in most cases it will be me fronting money to make it happen. I have been burned to many times in the past with the fronting money so I have tried to avoid these situations. For me I think its easier that we hold something at a public place… Therefore they are responisble for the food, people, and entertainment.

I am not rejecting the idea of holding it at a hall, but i hope you can see my point why I try to stay away from the idea.

Mad Mex in Robinson.

we need to make it annual.

If you puke in my lemonade again, I’m kicking you in the face

I am not joking when I say we are not allowed back there.

Well why dont you charge like $5, I know I wouldn’t expect to go to a holiday party, outside of a work function, and not pay something to get in. if 50 people only show up, thats still $250, which covers the hall and probably beer. And everyone can bring something, food wise. it would just have to be organized more. I’d defintiely help plan it, and organize people bringing food. Then all we have to do is collect money before so and so date to pay for the hall.


Paul can get a hall for free. Organizing food is extremely hard to do and most of the time never works out. we have done it for some of the BBQ’s and ended up with a ton of one thing and a few of another. we had so much pop the one time it was insane! I do not feel comfortable buying the alcohol for a party like this because if something happens to someone its my ass!

and people want dancing, that needs music… a DJ for a night like this would probably be around 400 dollars alone!

I absolutely understand where you are coming from…

Could you…
Pick a place now…
Receive payment by… XXXX… date
If they have not paid they are not coming.

If you get a firefighter to book the hall… sometimes they are free. All monies received by you could be for pop, beer, other beverage…

Each person bring a covered dish.

Mental note:
This sounds like our wedding…mine and Eurodad’s.

I know a band that could play!

My fiances cousin is Nick Catanese from Black Label Society…lol, he lives in Bridgeville and is off tour now, he has some friends in the area that he plays with on occasion. hes a cool guy, he might play.

Plus someone on these boards has to DJ…

Good point…

Who on here is a fire fighter that could get a hall for free or minimal costs… and where

Who on here is a DJ or has some DJ equipment… Folks on here have plenty of music on their own and could make variety CD’s to just stick in the machine.

Who on here could get Beer and Pop for a discount…

You city folks have never been to a good redneck wedding…

You can do the whole thing for $400…

Who has cabbage in the freezer?

Do you read?? I got the hall already. I just need a date or couple dates when this would occur.

I vote Dec 16th


Sounds good to me…

We need to get Dom to throw together a band for this :slight_smile:

I can see if Nick will play…he doesn;t do anything anyways when hes not on tour, but sit in his house and play on the computer…he has no life outside of BLS