Winter Storm Warning starting Saturday night (12/15)

meh, I drove from Seneca st in Buffalo to Hamburg, the roads suck out there but they aren’t bad in the 'burg. And I don’t even have snows on my fwd car, nor do I need them. Lots of idiots driving way too fast in their suvs though.

yeah, its about 8 inches at most in amherst. I just got done shoveling. Radars show some more snow coming in still.

you guys bitching about a foot of snow, do you realize that the forecast was 10-18"? according to my calculations, not necessarily over hyped. I know that it doesnt look like a foot right now, but more snow is still on the way. Shit aint over yet, we will probably end up with at most 10 total in amherst.


im not come around my street and look theres a good 6-8 in right now i was just out playing on the quad

Yeah there’s just 6-8 inches in downtown Rochester… enough that my plow guy should have come, but of course he hasn’t. If he comes any only plows the first third of the driveway again I’ll be friggin pissed, he knows there’s a car in the garage and the driveway goes downhill toward the garage making it not fun to get out. Plus 6-8 inches of snow means my car is plowing a decent bit

I guess they didn’t do too bad forecasting if there is that much snow in the northtowns. It was really disappointing down south though where it counts. Skiing in ellicottvile was terrible today, super wet snow and maybe a couple inches at most. It was clear most of the day. Driving home about 4:30 it started to snow just south of springville and then really picked up around rice rd through to hamburg.

Though the news stations do over hype stuff I think its more the viewers that are the problem buying into it and losing their minds. I heard grocery stores were crazy yesterday due to people getting ready for the storm.

lmfao “I’m super super sereal here ok. Man bear pig is a real threat. and I Al Gore,intend to stop him!”

It’s pretty slippery out. ice with hard packed snow on top. I got 200lbs of weight in the bed ofmy truck and winterforce tires…so it spretty much a tank. I’m home formy mom’s birthday dinner then back to the firehall towait for some idiot to drive to fast and hit a pole…then it’s my time to shine lol.

ch. 4 is claiming they nailed it by lowering amounts last night and forecasting less on friday also.

Yeah, NOW there is. Last night you said there was 3" of snow when there was less than one. Then you said there was 5" when there still less than one.


I have about a foot on the grass in Boston.

I just snowblowed the driveway and by the time I was done there was 2" on the driveway again.

2" an hour is not too bad!

yeah… an inch this mornign is now 15 inches

i would say we have gotten a total of 12-14" in north buffalo. i was just outside…

pics with ruler please. i dont know where you guys are getting these numbers from.

Windy and coming down heavy in Cheektowaga.

Here you go, pic from my backyard, in a non-drifted spot, and a spot that does not get much wind. 8 inches. It has been snowing pretty good the last couple hours.

not going to bundle myself up again, go out to the garage, and grab a tape measure just to placate you! its an estimate, if you would like to build in a +/- % error, feel free. lets call it +/- 25%, so my estimate could be changed from 12-14 to 9-17.5. who fucking cares, there is a lot of snow.

bundle up? lol. I just put some shoes on. It took 15 seconds.

i have a detached garage. shoes wont cut it. i was just out walking through untouched undrifted snow, and it came up to the top of my workboots , which is higher than 1 foot. thats good enough for me. if anyone questions it, feel free to come by north buffalo and measure my snow. :bloated:

Pretty consistant here at leat 10-12in (cheek), enough to get me out shoveling 3 times possibly once more tonite. Id rather move 2-3in of snow then 10+ . Still havent seen a plow down my street yet…