Winter to do list: 2001 Audi S4

Nick raced an m6 yesterday

What camera? I was looking at one as well.

I actually had an other encounter with an m6 coupe (white) yesterday, although he was a goddi tool and just floored it next to me then turned off.

What’s cheap? New?


Pretty sure I saw him on central yesterday

I’ll have to look when I get home. It’s a Sony though, I know that.

Cant you get one of those fuzzy covers for teh mic?(not sure actual term/name for it)

The mic isn’t like hanging off the camera, so I don’t think that would work lol

Ahh true, i didnt know if people jerry rigged something like that up though. ORRR…we COULD get a sweet boom mic and hang that bitch out the window @ 100+ mph LOL

ive seen a few videos where they show the raw footage, then they show the edited with noise reduction and you can actually hear the cars and not the wind noise or background noise

That wouldn’t end well…


Could “row” with it lmao

i got that covered, dont worry. i am gonna find an oar.

haha, i have one, but its a legit 30lb 5’ ore

Fisher Price.

im gonna look for one. at salvation army or something.

I think I have a yellow plastic one from the pool laying around some where

Yeah I think I might too, I’ve just always forgotten to look for it

Yea not really on my things to do list