Wiper motor problem :...(

AHHHH my wiper motor does not want to respond to the delay i set with the switch and it does not want to stay down i have to time the blades and turn it off when it gets to the bottom someone help PLZ!!

what year is your car?


frig i’ve had so many different wiper issues…lol

never fixed them, just crashed the car instead.

good luck to you

I had this problem on my 90 hatch, I thought they changed the wiring around from 91+

Look on the drivers side of your engine bay behind the strut tower for a little green box. This is the wiper control module, tells the motor when to go an stuff. In my case the wires that lead out from there and through the little hole in the fender well had rubbed through. Trace the wires and look for any breaks before you replace any parts. If you need one I have a spare wiper motor.

lol just put rainx on ur windshield, i never even use my wipers it’s $10 @ crappy tire and is worth every penny

Yeah… $10 at CT (I work there), yet its usually $1 or $2 cheaper at Walmart haha

woohooo i fixed it! thanks at least i didnt have to crash it like bing said

ahh bing. you is ze best!

so what was it?