Wireless network help

Hi! I’m Travis and I know NOTHING about computers:crackup

Anyway, we’ve got an unsecure wireless network here. How to I secure it? Assume that I know nothing beyond turning the computer on. My personal laptop is Windows 7, fathers is XP. DLink wireless router, DLink aircard in fathers PC.


I think there should be a URL that you go to, from there you can change settings. You may have to be hard connected to the router via ethernet cable.

Although Im about as knowledgeable as you are with computers lol.

I got to this point…

Last time I fucked with one of those, the net was down for about a week here.

There is also another drop down on that same screen that says “encryption”, and lets me select between ‘none’ and ‘wep’

Find your PC’s ip address:
1: windows key+r (run command dialog box appears)
2: type CMD and hit enter (a black box should appear)
3: type ipconfig (this will display your computers IP address in one of the fields). It will look something like 192.168.1.XXX or 192.168.0.XXX
4: Going from whatever your ip address is go to your web browser and type the first three octets of your ip followed by a 1. EX: OR
5: This will bring up your routers configuration page. Chances are the passwords are still all default. Try U:“admin” P: (leave blank) You’ll have to look up your routers model number and find its user manual to go from here… There will be a page that says wireless/security maybe.

Thanks-I’ll find someone that can come over and do this. I’ll be off of the site for weeks if I try this:Idiots (that idiot smiley is for me)

PM’ed you AMD, I’m almost there, IDK what I should select for ‘security mode’, its asking if i should select WEP, WPA only, WPA2 only, or WPA/WPA2

Tried “WEP”, got to another screen and its asking me a zillion questions, lol, help

At this screen meow

Travis PM me your number… ill give you a ring and help you out remotely if you want

Done, i just texted 7 people asking for yours lol

PM’d you back if Shady hasn’t got you taken care of already.

Shady will be able to take care of it.

I personally just go with WPA…unless you live in some shady ass area, most people won’t bother trying to get in if they see a secure network.

Welp, Shady and I concluded that my network cannot be secured and have my fathers PC connect to the internet:rofl

I’ll try it as WEP sometime when I feel like getting fired up again.

Thanks dude!

Old ass wireless adapter can’t work on the newer security protocols. I’ve seen it plenty of times. WEP should work. It’s annoying typing in the dumb HEX code though, lol.

hex sucks , leave It open you don’t have enough people around you to worry about , then do Mac address control which is not secure know but most people can’t get passed it

mac address filter /thread

so much IT ITT

Forgot about the MAC filter. That’s actually a good idea lol.

No shit it’s a good idea.

Everything I was going to contribute are probably already posted. Not a computer expert, I just know that connecting your network via wifi should require a password of some sort. Not only is everything on any computer that is on the network is completely exposed, people can also easily use your IP to do shit and FBI will knock on your door. :rofl

Just wanna to emphasis that an unsecure wifi network is BAD.