Wireless network help

Oh i dident know anyone openly stated they support DD-WRT… thats really fucking awesome

yea they work fine, N is great for in home networking etc… but if you don’t stream media/move shit around the network all the time no real need for it

So since you guys are all here, I need some advice. I have a Motorola SBG900 that is the cable modem and wireless router in one unit. Sometimes when I have more than one pc running off it, and I hit more than 1mb/s down, it will shut down. It just stops transmitting a wireless signal, until I go unplug it. Resetting from the browser doesnt work for this. Should I just get the generic modem from TWC and buy a cheapo router?


Yes, every single router/modem combo ive seen form TWC is a piece of shit

nice ill grab a dd wrt router soon and check this modding out !

100% agree with this statement.

Request something other than a shitbox RCA cable modem if you have a choice. Also, TWC will give you a free Netgear router in-lieu of the combo unit too, so that’s another option.