Wiring Drama

Since the heat shrink is of the adhesive type it should not be taped. Once shrunk the paste inside adheres to the solder joint and creates a moisture resistant seal. But with regular heat shrink you can tape but it is not necessary.

Haha, and the irony is, I use MIL connectors when I CAN. There is no way to put a MIL connector in there- unless you still have a MERGE on the other side! LOL

I cant get over the fact that this guy is still insisting it could be done a different way, when he hasn’t even seen the application, routing or the setup up close. Not to mention, he doesn’t have the slightest grasp of WHY I may do things a certain way. In some cases, I may specifically design a harness to LOOK a certain way when done. The Gen-4 SQ6M12 harness earlier in that thread was a good example- the whole idea was to make it LOOK like a factory harness. I could have used Heat Shrink to cover the whole thing, sure- but I DIDN’T FOR A REASON. It doesn’t change the fact that underneath, it is still the harness design intended.

The most hilarious part, is that this guy is technically arguing about the way wires look even though done RIGHT, UNDER harness tape, which is then covered by a METAL PLATE. It must be a color thing. You racist! What do you have against RED things!

Whats next, being upset that they used a red tracer wire in the harness because I HATES ME SOME RED!

i didnt realize he said it was adhesive based shrink. but just to keep a good argument going ill say you should have used tape irregardless lol :wink:

It’s not even a word! Your wire wrap opinions are now invalid. :slight_smile:

Viper guys… Always feel like they have to prove something.

im hopeing you seen what i did their. . .

just in case:
yous guys are all imbasils, god forbit my grammer dosent meet ur standards, i kno how to do wireing

the drama section sucks so bad this is considered drama

ing’s after e’s are epic grammar disasters.

Jealous people… will always feel that others are trying to “prove something” in order to feel better about their inability to “prove anything”.

We can go round and round on this one. Care to explain so the Drama section can be used for its intended purpose? You may be joking, or you may be a drive-by-drama toolbag… cant tell yet.

Sooo, there is no heaterz in this thread?

I <3 spaghetti, just saying.

Looks good to me Dan, don’t sweat it.


x2, vipers are awesome

Are you still trying to throw insults my way?
jealous? of you? thats comical
prove something? i said the wiring job you did was not impressive, all that lead to was you proving you are a juvenile that acts a fool when anyone says even slightly negative

like i said grow up, stop acting like a child and move on
or you can keep talking shit behind your keyboard and puffing your chest out

either way, im sitting here :slight_smile:

I was just driving-by, and decided to throw shit on your lawn.

Dude, seriously, learn how to fucking read and piss off. Was it you I quoted in that message? No? Then STFU.


Out of that whole abortion of a post, that’s all you managed to pick out? Way to go super sleuth!

Damn, I never connected Brilliant to that Rallye build, I remember reading that for the first time, Nice work man :tup:

I think vipers suck more the VW now.