wiring Q's: planning schematics and labelling.

I am looking to tackle the wiring on my car and I wanted to make it easier to repair and troubleshoot if needed. I was wondering what programs people have used to draw up schematics and also if anyone knew how wires were labeled similar to in the following picture:

no one?

You can purchase shrink-wrap that you can write on from places like newark.com, digikey.com, alliedelec.com. That works for marking wires before you crimp connectors on. The ones in the picture are like that, but are run though a speciality label-printer first.

Afterwards its more difficult and the only thing I can think of is getting the zip-ties with the “flags”/tabs on them you could write on.

As for Schematics, all the ones I’ve done have been in AutoCAD or MS Visio.

interesting, Im looking for printed ones exactly like in the picture. Does anyone sell them pre-labeled?

I’ll have to look for my old copy of viseo, I don’t think i’ll be using autocad ever again. I probably could do it in solidworks but its not really setup for it.

I always used to buy these uhm…
I don’t really know what they’re called.
I think they’re used for printing envelope mailing address labels at home.
you buy them by the computer stuff in walmart and such.

just sticky labels basically.
I write on it then wrap it around.
it’s how i label all my electric stuff.

I was looking for something a bit more permanent than return labels. I assumed the ones in my picture were some sort of plastic.

The ones in the picture are just a pre-printed Heat-Shrink.

If you get a list of what you want printed and contact Luke_L he maybe willing to run you some off at his work… although you’ll have to work that out with him. I used to work with him… so I know they have the equipment there.

But your best way is to just go to one of the places I suggested and get the ones you can write on; then just neatly write whatever you want/need to write on them. We did it all the time for stuff like that. Use a super-fine point sharpie, and the txt actually shrinks with the heatshrink and looks very professional.

Haha, beat me to it…

Most of what I have is White shrink tubing for 20 AWG. But I will certainly look if you have an idea of what you need. The only other option, that Mike already mentioned…

…is a good way to label the wiring without removing connectors.

EDIT: They look like this:

Whoa… never seen those things before Luke. The ones I’m talking about have a 1/2" x 5/8" x 1/16" or so flat tab sticking out the square part with the ratchet.

Ah, you meant those “toe tag” zip ties then. Those work pretty good.

The wire plates are nice because they stay flat to the harness.

I drew up my schematic in autocad: