wisdom teeth

Well, mine were impacted and I went under general anesthesia. And I went out 3 hours after to Perkins, because I’m special.

them pushups are sooo good. do they even make them anymore?

I gota get mine out…im like fucking teething here, it sucks.

my tops came in no problem after they said they had to be removed. Now the bottoms are 1/2 way in and they say those have to be removed too… not sure if I want to ruin my perfect smile… but I dont want teeth taken out of my mouth that aren’t fucked up.

You can be like the old people I used to work with. I have one word for you:



thanks for all the replies

it’s funny, i don’t have cravings for food usually, but right now im craving: mcdonalds, arbys, teds, doritos, mac and cheese, tacos, hamburgers, french fries, fritos… and subway

all ive had so far today is yogurt and some carnation instant breakfast

this sucks :smash2:

I hear ya…i’m not looking forward to getting mine out

screw that man…I’m goin to mighty on the way home from getting them taken out…

You dont want that grade f beef in your gum holes man, I strongly suggest you dont do that.

U nancies, just punch urselve in the jaw. you’ll feel better after that i promise.

how about i punch you in the jaw >:O

sissy :o

they took xrays of my jaw, all but one are coming in straight, the other is crooked as a polotician. its groing like straight into the other teeth.

Thats like an oxymoron cool Josh

Adam…you can eat whatever you want as long as you cut it up small enough to swallow…just don’t chew anything and you will be fine :slight_smile:

just chew with your front teeth. I ate scrambled eggs, noodles, mashed potatoes the first the first day, after that i ate normal foods and just made sure not to use my back teeth to chew and i was fine.

that sucks man…but at least you got them out, mine are growing in now, and eventhough it doesnt hurt anymore…they really fuckin hurt, gums got swolen and infected had asore throat from it. but thats all done now

:word: i went through that for about a year, every other month or so heh

You could have mac and cheese no problem. With catsup!

what’s catsup?
is it made from cat juices?