wisdom teeth

Just got my wisdom teeth out and they had to cut and i got stitches etc…

anyways to the point, im SUPER hungry but i was kinda loopy when the surgeon was telling me what i can and can’t do :smash2:

anyways i got them out today, still am using gauze… AND AM STARVING

any rational advice would be greatly appreciated :tup:

that sucks…

u want some lovin…?

yea, but i think i remember him saying no thick meats

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eat whatever isnt painful. thats about all. oh yea, dont use straws. i was eating normal food the next day after getting mine out.

word, im just mainly concerned about getting dry gap or dry rot or whatever its called, as i heard that hurts like a bitch

when i got mine out i had alot of pudding. now i want pudding.

cozy shack rice pudding

damn i want some pudding

Dry sockets.

No sucking or spitting.

Ensure. :slight_smile:

lol…yea that’s too bad…but i’m sure josh can help you out then… :slight_smile:

carnation instant breakfast is good too. get the ones already in a can. i got hooked on that shit!

i like cocktail weiners, but usually only as a pre dinner snack :stuck_out_tongue:

i still havent figured out what to do, i think im gonna go to bed hungry

but tomorrow im buying some ensure or carnation type thing :tup:

After I had mine pulled I drank triple thick McDonalds milkshakes through the straw and nothing happenned. Except I got fatter. :smiley:

drink a boost for breakfast
an ensure for dessert
if someone orders pancakes just sip the sizzurp.

seriously tho-- carnation instant breakfast is good, pudding, yogurt, soft serve…
don’t eat anything like sprinkles that can get stuck back there tho… that’s painful. keep your mouth at rest for as long as you can! everything will heal faster.

no kissing any chicks who like to suck the air out of your lungs. suction is bad.
if you like bananas, get some gerber baby food.
good luck.

hell, i went out drinking the same night i got mine out!

I had mine pulled 2 years ago and all I had for the next few days was pudding and Flintsone Pushups!—> a whole box of orage ones too. After about a week I was on Mac and cheese.

Good luck man, I feel your pain. By the way, be careful with the straw. Doc told me that sucking through a straw might pop the clot out and then you’ll have a whole new set of probs . … . .namely, a bloody mouth all over again and a healing process that has to start all over.

i wouldn’t eat steak!

haha yea any methods u figure out, make sure u let me kno cuz all 4 of mine are coming out a week from friday…so far I’m thinking of lying in bed all weekend with nothing but movies and milkshakes