WM5 Copy/Paste through card reader?

Step 1: Inserd SD card into card reader on laptop.
Step 2: Copy/paste MP3’s onto SD card.
Step 3: Remove SD card from laptop, insert into Samsung i730 Windows Mobile 5 smartphone.
Step 4: Observe that files don’t appear.
Step 6: Ask NYSpeed for help.
Step 7: ???
Step 8: Profit.

So what’s the deal? If I copy/paste to the card when it’s in the phone and the phone’s on the data cable and Microsoft Activesync is running, no problem. If I copy/paste to the card through a card reader the phone can’t recognize the files. Any workaround?

Is there a specific file structure to place the mp3’s in? I know on every phone I’ve had you can’t just drop the files onto the card, but a specific directory and then they show up.

When you copy and paste to to the card when its in the phone, don’t delete the files, plug the card directly to the PC, and then try to locate the files, add more files to the same file location and see if that works.

If that doesn’t solve it you got me.

dunno on my xv6700 i just plugged the phone in and wrote directly to the card from my computer (through the phone)

worked fine

edit: same for the blackberry 8830

my stuff -> storage card -> menu -> edit -> move

or applications -> file explorer -> storage card -> edit -> move

that is if your phone can read the file format.

you can just drop your music on your memory card for WM5 phones, well atleast att’s phones you can

EDIT: just noticed my car has a my music folder, drop the mp3 in to there and see if you are still having same issue

if all else fail by an iphone ???

might have to be formatted for fat32

good ideas all, but no dice. directory doesn’t matter. files are already fat32

I didn’t mention that i’m trying to add files to an existing directory that the phone can already read.

basically i’m trying to work around my phone’s usb 1.1 :hang: it takes forever to dump music onto a 2 gig card.

is the card fat32?

Crap, left the card in my laptop at work. I’ll double check. This is also the same card I had trouble formatting until I tried it with my cannon camera. I’ll check what format the card wound up in.

I can write to the card through the phone like Chino described just fine. I can read/write to the card with a card reader just fine. I can also read files with a card reader written to the card through the phone just fine. I just can’t read files with the phone that were written by the card reader. :gotme:

I’ll double check the file format of the card tomorrow.

format the card while in your phone

My microSD is FAT, not FAT32.

Copy a MP3 (that is currently recognized) off the phone to the PC.
Drop it onto the SD card and see if it recognizes that file which you know is good… that will at least eliminate some possibilities.

It is possible that the phone writes to a “directory” file somewhere which tells it what files are present. Just a guess.

Try writing the files with a different computer

Hmm… A directory directory. Roger Roger. What’s our vector Victor?


Good thoughts. I’ll try all of the above tomorrow. Burning up BuickGN’s profit sharing check, one goof off at a time. :snky:

if i recall correctly, i dragged everything over through the computer and it converted it to another format…

Weird. I shut the computer down last night with the card still in the slot on the computer. Started the computer back up this morning. Popped the card out and into the phone. Now the phone sees the files. :gotme:

So I started filling the card with MP3’s, but it gave me the “disk full or write protected” fuck you at 1.1 gigs, so I tried to format it. Still won’t format, so I’m going to grab a new one from Best Buy tonight. If that works I’ll just return the old one in the new one’s packaging. The thing’s only like a month old so either way I’d get a new one, but this just sounds like so much less paperwork. :tup:

The computer Gods were smiling on me though. 3 months ago this card was full of 2 gigs of irreplaceable wedding and honeymoon pictures. As soon as I emptied the card, it seems to have developed sort of a bad spot 1.1 gigs in. Thank God it didn’t shit the bed with all those pics on it.