WM5 Copy/Paste through card reader?

Weird. I shut the computer down last night with the card still in the slot on the computer. Started the computer back up this morning. Popped the card out and into the phone. Now the phone sees the files. :gotme:

So I started filling the card with MP3’s, but it gave me the “disk full or write protected” fuck you at 1.1 gigs, so I tried to format it. Still won’t format, so I’m going to grab a new one from Best Buy tonight. If that works I’ll just return the old one in the new one’s packaging. The thing’s only like a month old so either way I’d get a new one, but this just sounds like so much less paperwork. :tup:

The computer Gods were smiling on me though. 3 months ago this card was full of 2 gigs of irreplaceable wedding and honeymoon pictures. As soon as I emptied the card, it seems to have developed sort of a bad spot 1.1 gigs in. Thank God it didn’t shit the bed with all those pics on it.